EVENING NEWS, WILKES-BARRE, FRIDAY, JULY 14, 1933. TEN fa Vida Hurst These Only Hint At The Hundreds Of Unusual Clearance Savings Throughout The Store stone clams, bluefish, and pie. Janice was delighted and Richard, too, looked more relaxed than at any time since she had met him. The lines about his mouth had softened. The little frown between his eyes had disappeared.
a very restful person," he told her aver their coffee. The compliment amused her crowded into such a short time," she murmured apologetically. Good Night She did not object when he put his arm about her because the gesture was like a brother's affectionate and reassuring. A few moments later when they drew up before her hotel she realized she hadn't spoke since they started. "Wake up!" he cried, as she opened sleep-drugged eyes.
time enough to write to everyone she knew but she couldn't do it so long as the tom-tom continued to beat in her poor head. At seven o'clock, as the first signs of activity were heard In the corridor outside, she dropped into an uneasy sleep from whlch she roused at intervals only to doze again. At two Richard telephoned. Her replies to his questions were so vague that he asked, "Don't tell me you're still in bed?" "Yes, I seem to have taken cold." "Called a doctor?" "I don't need one. I'll just stay 1 RKGIK HERE TOIAY Distraught and upset after rejecting LewU Walden, her old Mvcetheart, Janice Meade takca the advtce of Caroline Hilton and goes to New York City for a change.
Yearning for a 'home and a husband, Janica wonders why all the Interesting men she meets are already married. Richard Blake, a friend of Miss Caroline, takes Janice under his wing when she reaches New York, and escorts her to all the places rh should go. His friendly charm fascinates her. Even though she feels certain he is married. Janice tuiets her midwestern conscience and whole-heartedly enjoys his itAmnanlnnKhin.
Wasn't that what every harassed MAIN FLOOR Prepper fngraiti flQ Hose w-v Sheerest of Silk plcot tops. Inside for a dav or two." Before she had time to guess his intentions, he had kissed her lightly on the forehead as one might kiss a drowsy child "Good night, youngster:" he said gently. liong before morning Janice wakened to a raging headache and aching, swollen throat. Cold chi. made her shiver, but her skin was dry and hot.
79 weight Over 300 Summer Styles For Every Need At Sensationally Low Clearance Prices Paris Clox Silk Hosiery Fine ehiffon Formerly $195! Silk Crepe DRESSES husband seemed to think? Tired. Dear? Later they returned to New York and went to the Metropolitan where Janice listened to Mlscha Elman with tears shining in her eyes. "You seem to know just what 1 like," she said to Richard gratefully. Because we enjoy the same things," he reminded her smiling. "Lets stop in here for a cup ol hot chocolate." The wind was blowing a gale as they dashed into the little sandwich shop Richard had indicated.
Janice was chilled to the bone. Her teeth chattered. She felt as if an icy blast were blowing up and down her spine. The chocolate was comforting but she began to be conscious of an overwhelming fatigue. When Richard called a taxi, she sank upon the leather seat with a sigh of relief.
"Tired, dear?" "A little. So much excitement 3-95 3-79 On the third day after herfar-rival, Hichard promises her a ride on the subway. CHAPTER TWENTY-EIGHT Rain was dripping monotonously upon the glass roof beneath her window, as Janice decided on the black wool dress and hoped Richard's plans would not include a walk to the subway station. He reassured her by taking a taxi, j-aying, "We're going to Brooklyn for a fish dinner at Lundy's." Arrived in Brooklyn, they taxied "But my dear," he cried, all solicitude, "you'll be lonely. Would you like for me to drop in for a few moments after the pff1ce closes?" She refused, but the four walls of that tiny room were already pressing In upon her At five o'clock Richard telephoned from the lobby that he was scrding up flowers and a copy ot "The Good Companions." When they arrived, Janice put the daffodils in a pitcher by her- bed and stretched an eager hand towards the book, confident that she.
would like anything he had chosen. So Kind. Half an hour later there was a knock on the door and a dapper, young man entered saying, "I'm Dr. Mathewson. Mr.
Blake told me you were ill and asked me to come to see you." He left little pink pills for the Formerly $6.95 to $8.95. Formerly $7.95 and $8.95 Lac and Mesh OQ Hosiery Large and small Values to Children's Qgk Anklettes Pr. In a wide choice of patterns and colors. Men's Athl.tle fiQt Union Suits UaT Of plain and novelty broadcloth. "A fine time to be ill.
she thought. It was annoying to contempUts having a cold now when she hadn't had one for years. Stuck In a hoi el bedroom without even anything to read. She slept no more that niglit. Her heavy eyes saw the cheerUss dawn of another stormy day staik through the open window.
The air was raw. Janice drew the covws higher above her shoulders aid decided ahe might as well be resigned. She wouldn't be able to leave her room. Richard Phones What was she going to do? .79 Silk Crepe DRESSES 4.79 sneer siik a PRINTS 4 Formerly $8.95 and $9.95. Formerly Priced At $9.95.
for the second time in a pouring rain to the Sheepshead Bay, Rich- ard managed to secure a table di- rectly over the water with rain driving against the windows and a stiff wind smacking the fishing boats outside. He ordered cherry 79 Were SQ.79 Men's Wool Sweaters Sleeveless style. Summer Silk DRESSES Silk Crepe $JJ9 DRESSES Formerly $9.95 and $10.90. Formerly Priced To $15. .79 .98 Smart Jacket DRESSES Organdy Party DRESSES $7 $3 1 and 1.29! Men's Broadcloth QQA, Shirts Collar attached.
Plain and fancy. as White with black or brown stripes. Men's $1.29 Swim QJ.t Suits Speed and suspendei back styles. All wool! Formerly Priced $16.90 Formerly Priced $10.90. 0 A.
oC INSTITUTION NATinu. $1 .98 .98 New Cotton DRESSES New Cotton tf DRESSES JZ Regular $3.98 Stocks. j. Regular $2.98 Stocks 69tf Celanes Silk SHn. .98 $1.98 tf 4 New Cotton DRESSES $3 Linen Suits and DRESSES 1 Bias cut.
Lace trim. 34 to 44. Were 11.00! Formerly Priced At Regular $4.98 Stocks. BERGMAN'S SECOND FLOOR Hardwater Soap, 07 Dosen 4 Hard milled. Lilac, Jasmine, rose odors.
39 Sample Fabric Gloves 99 Sunday Menu Suggestions with "Quality Distincti on Summer slip-ons. Actual values to -Croup 69c. Special Prices for Saturday July 1 5th! Handbags Take Equally Amazing Price hi Smart grained effects. Plenty of white! Fur Trimmed .75 79tf $1.00 Summer Handbags $4-75 0 Fur Trimmed COATS $7 COATS Washable leather grains. White, pastels.
Formerly Priced $16.90, Formerly Priced $10.90. Rich Gold Layers SECOND FLOOR Extra Size COATS Fur Trimmed COATS $12 75 f975 Formerly Priced $29.90. Formerly Priced $19.90. Meats of Quality! Brqwn's Famous! Tender and Juicy! Chuck Roasts of Beef iq The First Cuts lb' 1M Cut from Home-Dressed! Milk-Fed Calves! Veal Shoulders 14c Fricassees! Pot Pies! or with Tea Biscuits! Stewing Chickens lb. 22c Your selection of any size! Quality Lamb With A Rich Delicate Flavor! .50 $9.50 Two-Piece Wool SUITS $4 Two-Piece Wool SUITS Formerly Priced $10.90, Formerly Priced At $9.90.
Group Of Silk CI Lingerie V-1- French crepes and satins. $1.49 values! ere" 32.97 Of heavy brocade or satin. Broken sizes. Silk and Cotton QA Blouses 4 yV Big assortment. 34 to 40.
Regularly $1. $2.98 Cotton -f ACi Blouses pX.li Organdies, piques and embroideries. Women's Beach Slacks 4ittP Were Of fast color printed linene. $1.45 .50 Two-Piece Linen SUITS Two-Piece Wool SUITS $7 JL Formerly Priced $16.90. Formerly Priced At $2.95.
lb. 26c Legs of Genuine Spring Lamb BERGMAN'S SECOND FLOOR For Cold Supper Menus or In-Between Meal Snacks! THIRD FLOOR lb. 24c Fresh-Made Ring Bologna Temptingly Frosted With A Creamy "Fresh Orange" Butter Icing! 50c Iced Butter Twists 15c Ea. "Candies of Brown's Assortment of Delicious Summer Candies lb. box 39c French Taffy lb.
29c Luscious Ice Cream Drops lb. 45c Brown's Freshly Salted Mixed Nuts lb. 69c Brown's 'Perfect1 Ice Cream The "Perfect Dessert" For Every Occasion! 60cQt30TPtr SUNDAY DELIVERY 11 A. M.J MARKET OPEN SUNDAY UNTIL 3 P.M. FOR DIRECT PURCHASING ct'S $2.99 Fur trimmed and tailored.
7 to 14 years. 800 Prs. Smart Shoes Were $1.98 Were $2.98 Were $5.00 $2 .39 $.69 $2'69 BERGMAN'S BAsem*nT $4.99 -7 to 16 years! dressy styles. port and 27 Sport and Fresh Vegetables! New York State Green Peas .3 lbs. 29c Home-Grown Stringless Green or Wax Beans 2 lbs.
15c New jersey Celery Hearts 2 bchs. 25c Brown's-i'Perfect'-LButter Odd Lot Infants' Naeda Dresses, blankets, sheets, bands, etc. and interested without either husband or lover? Janice found herself thinking. 3 lbs. 93c 1 lb.
33c 2 lbs. 64 "If 1 could have Richard Just for a friend as he is now, I wouldn't need anyone else." TO BE CONTINUED Copyright, Register and Tribune Syndicate. NEW BRIGHTON CO. LOW BIDDER AT HAZLETON The R. B.
McDaae! Company, New Brighton, was the low bidder on the proposed new Ha zip-ton postofflce at his offer of according to dispatches from Washington. a collection of etchings." They stopped first at a book shop where he purchased the book he had mentioned. The etchings, by an American, were sketches of New York streets. Wind-swept corners, slanting rains, Intervals between showers and snow-laden doorsteps. 81m pie things a child skipping down the street, a young girl mailing a letter In the corner mail box but with an appeal which caught at the heart.
Was It things like this Miss Caroline had meant when she had eald It was possible to be amused pain in her throat and big white capsules which he assured her would atop the fever. He ordered orange juice and consomme and intermittent glasses of hot soda water. Ten o'clock the next morning found her sitting up In bed en-Joying her convalescence and a hearty breakfast When Richard telephoned, ahe was so gay he said, "Evidently you're purring again." "Who could help it? i've never known anyone to be so kind." "And how do you like 'The Good Cmpaniona'?" Isheinewerednthiastlcally. MODERN WOMEN Nttd No! Sefftf monthly pain and delay du. to MkihBervoia.tnua,uponiiordBiilvesuMS.
Chi-lMs-ten Diamond Brand Pill, an efleottvt. nllabkiandcinOiickfi.liW.6oldby 7 UoussiaUloroYT48yeaim. Ajfctof rfX 'THl PIAMONP AnVrf Stuffed and Roasted Chickens Fancy Fruits! Large California Santa Rosa Plums 3 lbs. 25c California Vine-Ripened Cantaloupes 2 for 25c The large45'Size -California Sunkist 'Oiamna dozen 33c The large w176w Size 75c Ea. -un, Kicnara, us wonaerrui.
i Average before roasting- "ZVz 'pounds is our fS special Have Your Car For The. Week End 7g Price We give your car our regular standard wash which means a thorough cleansing of the inside as well as the outside polish windowswash top," clean under fenders7 remove dust from upholstery. We call for and deliver your car all for 75c. Brown's Cafeteria Delectable Menu Specials For Saturday, July 15th! 42c 23c- 23c 22c 25c 19c 27c 27t 10c 10c GREASED Your Car Thoroughly For Only 01.00 Fresh! Crisp! Potato Chips, tf-lb. pkg.
2 pkgs. 23c Brown's Own Baked Ham lb. Fresh CervelateTTnrr. lb. Brown's Minced Ham lb.
Brown's American Potato lb. Brown's Tomato Baked Beans 2 lbs. Brown's Pepper Hash lb. Jello Assorted Flavors 5 pkgs. Niagara Milk 5 tall cans Sanitarium Zo or Fig and Bran pkg.
Fancy Wet Shrimps 5 oz. tin -2 tins 19c Vacuum Packed Whole Kernel Golden Bantam Corn lO'S oz. can Swiss Gruyere Cheese box Six portions to each box. 2 boxes 45c Geisha Crab Meat 6' osft tin 3 tins 65c Icel a3 ii tney were my own friends. I've never read anything so fascinating." "Do' you think you'll be well enough to have tea with me this afternoon?" "Of course! I'd love it." seated side by side in an almost deserted little room which Richard explained was a rendezvous for theatrical people later In the day.
A cat dozed He-fore a gas grate, pictures of famous actors and actrestea were plastered thickly over the walls. A red-cheeked English woman brought tea and muffins and withdrew, leaving them alone, and agalnJanlce found herself deeply absorbed by the conversation of this fascinating man. Heart Appeal "There's another book I partlcu. larly want you to read If you haven't." he aaid. "The Happy by Max Beerbohm." "You make me realize how much I've missed," she aaid, wistfully.
"Music, books. plays so much better informed about everything than I am." "Lack of opportunity," he smiled. "Potentially you are extremely intelligent. You've Just neglected developing yourself. Let's stop at the library I want -to show you Chicken ala King on Toast, Potato Chips, 35c Braised Short Ribs of Beef, Battered New Carrots 20c "Century of Progress" Sandwich Cabbage and Pepper Salad 7C Russian Salad 10c Melon and Marshmallow Fruit Salad Cherry Pie lOc Combination, Layer Cake Prune Tapioca 10c 23 23c Expert Service Telephone 3-0111 Prompt Convenient REAR 61 NORTH MAIN ST.