1. Anatomie 2 (Film, 2003) - MovieMeter.nl
Genre: Horror / Thriller · Speelduur: 101 minuten · Alternatieve titel: Anatomy 2 · Oorsprong: Duitsland · Geregisseerd door: Stefan Ruzowitzky · Met onder meer: ...
Horror / Thriller film geregisseerd door Stefan Ruzowitzky. Met Barnaby Metschurat, Heike Makatsch en Franka Potente.
2. Anatomy 2 - Rotten Tomatoes
Where the first film was something of a teen horror film, the follow-up, again from writer-director Stefan Ruzowitzky, is more of an unintentional comedy.
A young intern (Barnaby Metschurat) works with a surgeon (Herbert Knaup) who wants to use muscle implants to create the perfect athlete.
3. Anatomie 2 (film, 2003) - FilmVandaag.nl
Anatomie 2 (2003). Alternatieve titel(s): Anatomy 2. Anatomie 2. Koop op dvd of ... Genre(s) Horror Thriller; Speelduur 101 minuten (1u41m); RegisseurStefan ...
In een gerenommeerd Berlijns ziekenhuis voert een geheim genootschap op de onderzoeksafdeling huiveringwekkende experimenten uit op patiënten, in…
4. Anatomie 2 / Anatomy 2, movie for the Anatomy series (2003) - Film review ...
6 feb 2022 · The Anatomy 2 (2003) is a medical sci-fi / thriller film. The movie was reviewed by Kadmon.
This is my review of Anatomy 2, a medical sci-fi / thriller movie for the Anatomy series from 2003. It's about a group of doctors getting into illegal medical r
5. Anatomie 2 (2003) - Turner Classic Movies - TCM
Wotan Wilke Moehring. Film Details. Also Known As. Anatomie II, Anatomy 2. MPAA Rating. Genre. Drama. Foreign. Horror. Sequel. Thriller. Release Date. 2003.
Watch TCM is the convenient way to watch great classic films when you want, where you want uncut, commercial free... and it's absolutely free.
6. Anatomy 2 (2003) directed by Stefan Ruzowitzky • Reviews, film + cast
The doctor and soccer player in the leisure time Jo Hauser decides to move to Berlin and be an intern in a famous clinic, expecting to increase his ...
The doctor and soccer player in the leisure time Jo Hauser decides to move to Berlin and be an intern in a famous clinic, expecting to increase his knowledge and expertize, and help his handicap brother Willi Hauser. He joins a secret fraternity of doctors, under the leadership of Prof. Muller-LaRousse, who is researching the use of bionic muscles in human beings without any ethics or respect to the laws. The team is also volunteer to the experiences, and is under investigation of Paula Henning. When Jo gets close to a Filipino nurse, and becomes addicted in the drugs used in experience, he realizes the truth hidden in the methods used by the secret society in the development of science.
7. Recensie Anatomie 2 (2003) | Review op Schokkend Nieuws
Anatomie 2(2003) ... De Duitse regisseur en scenarioschrijver Stefan Ruzowitzky doet bij onze Oosterburen wat Johan Nijenhuis in Nederland doet: met een ...
De Duitse regisseur en scenarioschrijver Stefan Ruzowitzky doet bij onze Oosterburen wat Johan Nijenhuis in Nederland doet: met een ogenschijnlijk feilloos commercieel inzicht en een schrijnend gebrek aan artistieke dadendrang maakt hij formulefilms voor een jonge doelgroep. Waar Nijenhuis zijn publiek met zon, zee en strand wil behagen, jaagt Ruzowitzky hen echter liever de gordijnen […]
8. Anatomie 2 - Cineuropa
ANATOMY 2. by ... ANATOMIE 2. country: Germany. year: 2002. genre: fiction. directed by: Stefan Ruzowitzky. film run: 96'. release date: DE 06/02/2003, AT 07/02/ ...
Cineuropa - the best of european cinema
9. Rent Anatomie 2 (aka Anatomy 2) (2003) film | CinemaParadiso.co.uk
Rent Anatomie 2 (2003) ; Producers: Jakob Claussen, Andrea Willson, Thomas Woebke ; Writers: Stefan Ruzowitzky ; Aka: Anatomy 2 ; Studio: Columbia Tristar ; Genres: ...
Rent Anatomie 2 (aka Anatomy 2) (2003) film for FREE as part of our trial offer. Check member ratings, watch trailer of Anatomie 2 (aka Anatomy 2) movie.