San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California (2024)


SIX MONTHS. And 70 cents a for which in To the Club of Five Suh will be sent Ail to receive CHRONICLE IN ADVANCE! ONE I 00 SIX MONTES. ene Three year, 1. 60 one year. 61 copies 76 each: five copies each.

Free. Send for a pie COAST ITEMS. Cattle are perishing in all parts of Modoe County. A large alhat was captured ness Santa Barbara recently. A Chinese woman afficted with leprosy has been dis prered in Napa City.

It is thought that steam -wagons on the sandy rond or Nevada will be a failure. A man known Professor Everest committed suicide at Corvallis, Oregon, last week. confidence man, with multitude of aliases, has been swindling the Coluss County people. People who have retarned to Virginin City may that Candelaria is greatly overrated mining carp. The Railroad Company have began work on depot and begun to sink an artesian well at Ta son.

Arizona. An eagle was seen to swoop down and carry away a young kiri at Long Ravine bridge, near Coliax, last week. At Camp Bidwell, Modoe Counts, last week, I. L. Barres shot James Burns.

The row oririnated in whisky. The house of Peter Erickson of Napa, burned last Tuesday night, was valued $1500; insurance, $1000. March 2d, at Las Vegas, New Mexico, James Monhead was shot James Allen, a Waiter in a botel, and died soon after. In Bodie a man named Olds recently asmalted a woman with a club and inflicted sovere injuries upon her. He has been arrested.

the use of reflectors tr the New Idria quicksilver mine. in Fresno County, the use lamps and candles has beep dispensed with. The Watsonville authorities have given the proprietors of disreputanle houses in that place thirty days in which to close up and leave the town. The Oroville Mercury mys that the Chinese who are working mines in the lava-bed district, Butte County, are shipping $15,000 per week. The Silver Prize mine at Tuscarora, Nerada, advertised to be sold at Sheri's sale on Mazeb 26th, to antisty judgment ot 84.500.

During Monday night's storm a Chinaman named Bing Pang, living at Willow Valley, Nevada County, was, cabin. killed by a tree which crushed his Neat Pomo Creek Etation, Kern Countr, last week Wednesday, man, name unknown, threw hims-4 under the en re of the Central Pacific Railrond and was killed. Ab Jim, who was arreste1 at Watsonville last week for a felonious assalt upon a little daughter of Mr. Pitcher, was committed to jail by Justice Heritage, of San Juan. in default of 61000 bail.

Five years ago, after the subjugation of the the total namuer of horned cattle within the limits of Counts, did not exceed. 5000; to-day the number close on to 40,000. A surveying party is in the Seld loesting the route for the narrow road tor the Ore(on Railway Company from Corvallis to Unnetion City, Oregon. The route will be loented within two weeks. A' dead Chinaman found aboard when she made her landing at Stockton on Friday morning.

An inquest was held and a verdict of death from natural wha rendered. meetine of wool-growers and sheepwas hold at Wyandotte, Butte County, ondas, for the purpose of forming ciation to establish and provide for the ment of bountice tor cavote scalps. The condition of Jerry Weston, the convict, who so narrowly escaped being murdered few das ago in a coll-mate named MeComb at the Oregon Penitentiary, is somewbat proved and hopes of his recovery are enterLained. A steambost. loud of sheep was sent from W.

to Vistoria Inst week. Vieforin, owing to the in bard British winter and quent loss of stock Columula, will want 1000 bead of beef cattle from this side during the next four months. There is a large camp of Blood Indians in the Judith, about fifteen miles below the Mountains, Montana. The camp bumbers about 150 or 200 lodges, and are all northern Indians. Trouble is looked for trom there people when game becomes scarce.

A new Government dam has just been completed three miles above Camp Verde, on the Verde River, Ar sona. It is a plank dam, with rock abutments, and in sixteen fert wile at the bottom and ten on top. It is sixty feet scroes from bank to bank, and has raised the water four fcet. In Modoc County a gentleman came into Goose Lake Valley from Warner Valley Inst week, and reported that when be leit the eattle had congregated in the valley, and that there were about 10,000 head in right of his house. The most of them will have fair chance starving.

A little daughter of Willis Vidito of Alsen Valley, Beaton County, Oregon, was thrown from a wagon on the 10th instant into the Aleen River, and was drowned beiore assistAnce reached her. Mrs. Vidito, the mother of the child, was also thrown out at the same time, and came near drowning. The Areata Lender (Humboldt Counts) What news we have from the hills is of the gloomiest kind. Stook is dying fast, and there seetna to be no abatement to the cold weather.

It is said that the intense cold has rendered it impossible to run many of the mines along the Klamath River. While John A. Clark of the Cove, Western Oregon. was running an engine last week his right hand became fastened the gear 10 come manner, and was almost instantly drawn in up to the elbow, when the arm was jerked completely awn; at the elbow joint, throwing the dismembered portion to the floor. Thomas Heald at Guerpeville, Sonoma Counts, undertook to cross Ruminn River last Saturdas, when the current swept borse and buggs down stream.

He plunged in and managed to wade and swim ashore, while his horse and rig rolled over and over, drifting quarter oi a mile, before S. H. Torrence, with his boat and other assistance, managed to rescue them. CURRENT NOTES. Taffya seems to have driven soft-solder out of use.

and to subthey enter, deep reen tint to Parlor matches--Courting in the drawingroom. The Car would beg to be permitted to bang his own hair. To susceed, a young man must work. Unless he sacoceds to an estate. The editor's soliloquy: "It pays to write.

but it im't right to "Sweet are the uses of a said the girl when a senior asked her to go to the concert. The Czar would come nester to the facts in the case it be would declare himself in state of siege. Why do they call Shakespeare's plays works! Isn't there any difference becween work and play? It's knotty but its mid the old quarryman when be struck his into rock of crooked strata. It's curious the Nihilists baven't tried kerosene lamp on the Czar or let empty Shotgun" in his cupbonrd. The decline of the drama is probably owing to the fact that the public never sces but about one-tenth of a play: the rest is bonnet.

And now he Elis a drunkard's grave." Weep pot for the inan who fill it. He docs not drink: he's the sexton.When a girl is twenty she feels very ensy on that It's only when she scores another she begins to wonder who invented wrinkles, We beard a sentietnan to das, whose repttation for has hitherto been unquestioned, calmly that he done the Gem Puzzle. Sixty times has Mary Anderson, the divine Mary, rejected offers of marriage. Sixty souls with a single thought, sixty hearts that bleed as mira Free Press. The woman who died from contraction of a evidently waisted her Syracuse Sunday Times, Grim-sieged death stays not his hand, but ince her in the grave.

who has become President of the United Statos been elected during a leap year. This is something for the girls to wonder over. Philadelphia Chronicle Herald. An exchange "The number of lightning-rod men bas fallen off 20 per cent within a year." it is apposed they fell off while putting up lightning rods on church steeples. A prominent New York musician, who advertised to receive applications for tenors, recently had a note from a clerk in Wall street, who wanted to know whether he could judge or his voice by telephone.

Victor Hugo in gallant. He kisses the ladies at meeting and parting, and be women are forgetial creatures. They my good -by and then come back with 0b, monI forgot to tell A minister of the gospel isn't yearn after worldly praise: but when be to anderetand that he has abont the penonal of a ship's and no more, the effect is, to my the least, The following real hare Dougherty by Sheriff, to Not no 8 line 0. Wilkinson to K. Gateman, on line Chattanouga street, 206 TwentyE.

Hanch te E. 0. Wilkinson, lot 26x125, en lice of Chattanooga 208 feet A. cad to C. Gogar, lot on corner and Douglass streets, $400.

Annie 0 Brian et al. to J. 0 Brien, lot 20 on SE line Cementing street, 208:0 Fourth, F. to C. M.

Day, Jot 110:100, corner 1 and avenue, 8165 A. Broken to J. Ambrose, 88 25 feet of let 5, Mock 21, Fairmount, Bal to Nary E. Belterworth, line Sansome stroet, 46:10 8 of 9300. Chrome Hollie March An important discovery is reported from the vicinity of Kris, in Can Bonito County.

It is ledge or chrome, a metal racely found in this nothing than and State and valuable as a commodity. The mine stunted within the boundary of. County, and hear the southeast line of San Benito County, Although we are not fully to the commercial value of chrome. the exponse of extracting the metal and preparing if market, yet we spthat if the report of the extent of be correct, the owners struck definos to metal consisting of a color. It taker its fro the color SACRAMENTO.

The Amended Revenue Bill Passed by the Assembly. Corporation Arguments Directed to the Governor. Slight Breeze Raffles the Quiet of the Assembly. (Special Dispatches to the SACRAMENTO, March Section 8 of the revenne bill was reached in the Assembly yesterday on the question of concurrence in the Senate amendments, it was discovered that there were errors in the printed bills. In the first sentence the word thereupon" had been imbetituted for therefor," so that it read: Each person, firm or corporation, owning or having in his possession any of the shares of the enpital stock of any corporation, association or joint stock company, shall be assessed chereupon." In the succeeding ReDtence the word stock" had been omitted after the words entire capital," so that, as printed, it read: If the corporation, association or joint stock company has its principal place of business in this State, the assossable value of each share of its stock shall be ascertrined by taking from the market value or its entire capital the value of all property assessed to it," etc.

The Assembly took DO further action at the time than to postpone further ennsideration of the bill until this morning. Word was, however, unofficially conveyed to the Senate. Johnson at once introduced revolution that the bill be called back. The impression was that the mistake had eccurred in the printing office, and under this impression several of the friends of the measure voted with its opponents who were suspiciousIs eager for the retarn of the bill, and the resolation was adopted. During the course of the evening, it was discovered that the error had taken place at the desk of the Secretary of the Senate.

Lambert, the Minute Clerk, in taking notes for the Journal, had made the omissions, and Brierly, the Asistant Secretary, in sending the copy to the printer, followed the error already made. The bill, as read and passod, was correct. The effort of its opponents was to have it brought to the Senate with the object of placing it again on its third reading, with the intent to defeat it, either by recommittal tor incongruous amendments, laying it on the table, or preventing its paange by preventing the bill from attaining a constitutional majority. Luckily, bowever, the zeal o. Senators OVERSHOT THE MARK.

Suspicions were aroused, and this morning the friends of the revenue bill beld a eon? ence, at which at was that the Assembly should proceed to concur in the Senate Amendments may hero be retnarked that if a mistake in a printed bill, when the manuscript is correct, be fatal, many important monsures of the session will tail. Typographical or clerical errors of moment can be round in almost every ball of ans length. A onse in point is Senate Bill No. 118, to substitute new Part I the Code of Civil Procedure, in some respects the most important measure of the scenion. In Section 274 of the printed bill the sentence occurs: "The reporter': fees for taking notes in civil onses shall be Axed by the party in whoso favor judgment is rendered." The engrossed reads that the reporter's toce shall be paid by the party, etc.

Now there a substantial difference between fixing the rates of foos and paying them, wbich nobody can deny." Yet the author, whose microscupie eye is a matter of notoriety, reported ns saying that the in the printed bill not essential, At the mine time, with remarkable inconsistency, be holds a like error in the printed copies of Arsewnly Bill No. 404 fatal. This mornina. in the Senate, a motion to resend the lion recalling the Revenue bill was offered. but was declared out of order.

The bly, in the moan time, proceeded to conour in the Senate, amendments, the sticking point, was parred, when it dered by the Senate that the be rested not to forward the resolution of recall. The Senate soon after adjourned until Monday, in consequence of a large number of mittoes leave of a until Monday, The House continued in session and concurred in the Senate amendments to the Revenue bill, which will come back to the Senate early next week and then be transmitted to the Governor, either for his approval or veto. THE GOVERNOR NOW BESPONBIBLE. Governor Perkins is in rocoipt of nomerous letters frown bankers bim to veto the Revenue bill, and delegation will visit him during the coming week to make an oral argument against the bill. when, by invitation o.

the Governor, Juading Senators and Assemblymen will also be present, This afternoon Senntors Wendell and Zuck called at tue Executive office and had a long interview with the Governor, who appeared chiefly 50- licitons regarding the clause relating to the taxation of deposits in savings banks and invited the demonstrators to show that it 18 not double taxation. The Fenators tore named responded in a convincing manner, both by illustration and argument, The fact has been impressed on the Governor that the present Revenge bill must become a law or that asa sement and taxation will go on under the old system. The respobsibility 0 the alternative rests with the Execative. as the Logia1 ture has done its part and will remain firm and determined. REPUBLICAN MEMBERS IN CAUCUS.

Cancusos were held by the Repablican Senstors on Monday evening and again last night. Their proccedings have been kept very close. but it is presumed that nothing definite was accomplished, ne another meeting has been called for next Monday evening. Though members of the caucus have been extremely reticent, it may be stated that the subject of appointments has been one of the matters un der discussion. The propored nomination of Dr.

J. J. Murphy as Health Officer in San Francisco encountered general disapproval, so much so that if his name be sent to the Senate it will most certainly be rejected. The resolation offered and passed by the Senate a day or two ago, to the effect that nominations should lie over one day for action, is in the line of keeping a tighter rein on the Executive. Apropos of this snoject, wach diesatisfaction is felt among Republican Senators at the nomination and confirmation of Phillips Earbor Commissioner.

It asserted that he is a Democrat, and that through his instrumentality McClellan, Southern Democrat, bas been made Secretary of the Board. SENATE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE. The Senate Judiciary Committee to-night acted on a large number of bills. others too following. recommended for indetinite postponement: Senate Bill No.

356. to impose a license on land -owners: Senate Bill No. 324. the West Side Irrication District appropriation; Senate Bill No. 449.

to authorise State Boards of Directors, Commissioners, Trustees or Regents to sue and deend. Recommended for presage: Senate Bill No, 416, devires to charitable uses: Assembly Bill No. 55. compensation of members of the Legislature; Assombly Bill No. 144.

amending the Act regulating the sale of mineral lanis; Assembly Bill No. 146, amending the Act concerning the selection and ale of University lands; Senate Bill No. 188. relative to dupliente assasement books: and substitate for Senate Bill No. 87, dengrating the place in which polls shall be located.

CALIFORNIA LEGISLATURE. Senate. Sacramento, March Senate met at 10 o'clock, President Mansfield in the chair and a quorum of Senators present. Satterwhite moved that the Senate rescind the resolution adopted yesterday for the recall of Assembly Bill No. 401, relating to revenue and taxation.

Johnson raised the point of order that the motion was not in order. Ryan made the point of order that the motion was not in the order of business. Satterwhite accepted Ryan's point of order and the Chair sustained the point of order made by Jobpson, Enot presegted a petition from citizens asking for the amendment of the Constitution to allow women the right to rote on questions involved in the of liquor. Referred to Enos. REPORTS.

By Zack, from Committee on Contingent resolution that the members of the Committee on Military be allowed 616 80 each tor mileage. Adopted. By from a majority of the San Francisco that Sebate hill No. 362 (the TraylorMcClure charter) be fud-finitely postponed on the ground of unconstitutionality, againet the will of the people, etc. By Neumann, from a minority of the delegation, recommending the passage of Senate Bill No.

862 amended. Neumann moved that the bill be made the special order for Tureday morning. Enos opposed the motion, and asked that reference be deferred until Thursday. wordy wrang'e ensued between Johnson, and at the end of which the bill was made By Traylor, from the on Claims, that Bills 458, 450, 460, 161, 462, 468,404, 466, 467, 468 and 460 (deficiency bille) from the Judiciary Committee, that Sennte Rille No. 358, dismissni of cases: No.

361, to prevent actiona; No. service of 415. summons; No. 414, stamping of goods, and No. amendlog the Civil Code, Bill indefinitely postponed.

Alro, that Assembly No. 120, to prevent the accumulation of large landed estates, pass amended. By Wendell and Hittell, from a minority of the Commitlee, against the pasange of Setate Bill No. 829. compensation of Sacramento Valley Drainage District Commissioners.

By Neumann, from the Committee on Mines and Mining, that Senate Bill No. 401, relative to mining districta, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 249, for the protection of bolder of mining corporations, was referred to the Committee on Corporations, with instructions to report on Monday. THE PRICE OF Bill No.

187, regulating the price of gas, way taken up. Neumann moved ita reference to the San Frano delegation. opposed reference to the San Francisco delegation, and la reference the Committee on Corporations, criticised the delegation' dilatorinem with regard to bills, many of which be declared the trump of Gabriel could not arouse, and espedally this gas bill (No. 0). Ence and Conger resented charges.

withdrew his motion, and the bill referred to the Committee on Corporations. be was tired de of Senator rose to of mying also rising to a question of privilege, said that when meetings of the delegation were called, the gentleman in his kid gloves and absent from his of dnty. prepared to REVENUE MILL. Wendell moved that the Secretary he instrocted not to transmit the Revenne bill resolution to the Johnson asked why the Secretary had not sent the resolution to the Assembly. Secretary Boruck stated that it was the rule of the desk to retain bills and resolutions until after adjournment, in order opportunity to Senators Johnson to move claimed a it moonsideration, was the duty of the Secretary to have sent the resolution to morning.

Entterwhite thought that if the Secretary rushed the resolution in he might have been of haste. He had done right. motion was carried. moved a ayes 10, noes (by request) introduced a bill to amend an Act in relation to overflowed lands in Tube County. to Judiciary 10 Committes.

Adjourned until Monday clook. Assembly. The Amembly met at 9:30,4. Speaker Cowdery in the chair. Merry, from the Committee on Clatros, reported back Senate Bill No.

311, to pay the Artificial Stone Company balance due for laying walks abont the Capitol, recommending Morse, from the Committee on Jadiciary, ported back Bill No, 425, aura ding the Code Civil Procedure relative to the redemption of real estate sold under the power contained in trust deeds. mbmitted a report from the Commiton from the Committee on Military Affairs, reported back Bill No. 189, relating to the State militia, recommending ita Del Valle introdaced a bill to protect the pubfrom the importation of infections and conta- REVENUE AND TAXATION. The revenne and taxation question reumed its original position before the Assembly this mornins, the bUl having come back from the Senate with amendments. Tyler objected to Section 8 as amended claiming no rehate would bemade by Boards Equalization, an this section the produc ton of a certificate from the corporation bowing that the same had been assessed.

Hartson advocated concurrence: then the sembly could frame a separate bill to satisfy the gentleman from Alameda, to nullify the obnoxlous provisions in Section 8. He appealed to the members not to take the back track, but to stand up to the principles that sout them re. McCarty proposed to go down with colors flying. He did not propose to give way to the Senate. He would not tavor concurring, but let those with whom the fault lies shoulder ft.

Du Brutz would not take the back track. He called upon the friends of the bill to stand their and if the powers that be desire to eliminate the provisions that we were sent here to engraft, so mote it be; let them do it, and then we will be returned to carry out our first intentions and give revenue the and people taxation what bill they so earnestly desire a which will conform to the Constitution. Maybell had his suspicions aroused when be found the past enemies favoring the bill in its present shape. Spencer favored immediate action one way or the other. Fox Ventured to say that the Governor would not sign wny bill that was not p.ased in strict conformity with the Constitution.

He mid if there Was an Asseasor or Board Supervisors who are awaiting the pasange of this bill should he impeacbed or removed from office. They have no busine to know about any law which is not on the statute books. Some members have said their county officers were awaiting. He would them to take their time in passing such an important measure, and not go at it blindly. CALLED FOR BY THE CONSTITUTION.

Del Valle said this will was necessary under the Constitution The for an ass to assess property this vear. system of revenue is changed by the Constitution, and, cons quently, we do not pass thus law now, California will not have any revenge law, He helieved that it the bill were returned to the Senate for clerical error, We would not have any revenne law this year. He did not think this house shonid be held responsible for errors made elsewhere. It this bill is adopted in its present shape it will be in conformity with Lue Constitution, hecanse this bave passed the bill as it wae received. Merry was opposed to ouncuiring.

Fox raised the point of order that in forming Section 8 numerons amendments were added, and claimed that the House should vote separately upon these amendments. The Sp aker overruled the point of order, and on appeal the Chair was sustained- ayes 60, noes Cameron, Fox, Tyler and Young. the Alsomoly thed concurred in the Senate substitute for Section 8, by the following voter hart, Ayes- Adams, Brown Anthony, Base, Bennett, Brown of BraunBronks, of Sonoma, Yuba, Brun Brusie, Burns, Carr of Sacramento, Carr of Yabe, Chamberiain, Chandler, Coffman, Coleman, Cook, Cooper, Corcoran, Cutlbert. Dimond, Downs, Durham, Ester, FinlayPoD, Hardy, 'Fraser, Hartson, Frisk, Herebey, Garibaldi, Gulley, Green. Hynes, Mayhell, Leadhetter, of Ran Macuire, Mathew May, McCarthy Carlo eterburne.

Spencer, Stanley, stondard. Morse, Mulholland, sti eter, Swe- tiand, Valle Del, Wuker, Waru, of Ventura, Wasson of Mono, Watson, York, Nors Mr. Speaker- 64. -Cameron, Du Brute, Fox, Harris, Lane, Levee, McCallion, Me-Curty of Lake, Merry, MetPenger, Nelson. Binon, Tyler, Youne-14.

The Assembly th concurred in all the other amen iments made by the Senate. The bill ordered enrolled, after which it will be presented to the Governor for his appruval or rejection. On motion of Fox, Senale Bi.1 No. 82, to amend Sections 712, 728, 782, 760, 771, 772, 818, 820. 860, 890, 830, 1117.

1830. 1466, 1464, 1515, 1516 and 1566 of the Penal Code, providing for certain proceedings before the Buperior Courts or the Judges thereof, was taken up out of its order and parsed. THE TEACHERS' SALARY BILL. Senate messages of were then taken up, and the first reading Senate Bill No. 854 (Tray: lor's school MilL), the Apenker ordered it reierred to Committee on Retri nehment and Reform, Mcintosh moved that it be rejerted, The rate wan taken viva voce, and decided in the affirmative, when division was called for, and decided in affirmative again.

The ayes and pore wute then demanded and taken, ting in ayes 4d, none The speaker then referred the bill to the mittee County Gevernmente and Municipal Incorporation on asked what Committee the Speaker to, he had oniered it Bret to the Committee on Retrenchment and Reform, and now to another committee, Merry moved referred to the Committee on The Speaker said it had nothing to do with education: it was case expenditure. amiriat The hour considerable having arrived for recess it was further taken, confusion, wud cuasion was postponed until 2 P. m. HERE WE 06 AGAIN," As Apenker Cowdery stepped down from the met by Vinlay son, who said, excitelly, I desire rostrum and around the mporters' desk he to tell you, Mr. Spenker, that your ruling in this mutter is most outragoous-most outrageous, air The Speaker (in an -Ob, go Finlayson then repeated his remark when the Speaker turned to tue phonographic reporter, re: saying, "Tate this ige down.

shall port the gentleman to the House when vened." Fininyson -Yes, take it down; also, that the Speaker told me to go to the devil. Speaker-I did not, air: I told you to go away. Mr. Coloman then uphraided the Speaker for not allowing a vot to be taken. The Speaker informed the gentleman that he would repew the consideration of reference after recess.

POURING OIL ON THE TROUBLED WATERS. The Assembly reonnvened at 2 P. M. The Speaker a vid the question was on reference of Senate Bill No. 354 (Traylor'e School McCarthy raised the point of order that there was not a quorum present.

1 he Sneaker directed the roll to be called, when it transpired that there were fifty members present. Tue motion to refer the bill to the Committee on lucat on was carried. Speaker, before recess little excitement took place. I was unduly warmed up and felt a little ngzrieved at the way the bill 16 beiu: trente and did what probably, under other circumstances, I would not have done. I therefore beg lente to apologize to the House.

May also stated that he had understood that the bill, when the Speaker's gavel fell for recess, had been disposed of. He had in the interim found out his mistake, and desired to openly give vent to the pleasare he felt by being so disappointed. Ou motion of McCarty the apologies were 80- cepted. WATER RATES. Assembly Bill No.

255, an Act to regulate the price of water for domestic nse in this State, was taken up on second reading. Section 2 provides for the appraisment by Board of Supervisors of all property belonging to the water company furnishing water, for the purpose of fixing rates, appraisment to be made in the month of January of each year. Corcoran moved to add the following: Provided, in the year 1880, such appraisement may be made any time prior to the first day of Cooper offered an amondment to Section 5, making dismissal from office, upon complaint of any interested person he ore any court of cometent juristiction, a penalty for not fixing rates, which was a lopted. Merry move an amendment to compel corporations furnishing water to the inhabitants of any city to furnish water tor fire, sewer-Bushing, or for any other great necessity free of charge to such city. Adopted.

Tyler, he that Boarde of Supervisors might intimidated, moved an amendment to prevent water companies' attorneys from appearing before such hoard to argue the question of water rateR, He did not want them to be persuaded to fix the rates too low or too high by any persuasion that might be made. The amendment was lost. Anthony moved an amendment to Section 2 by striking out the sentence making the bill applicable to cities of 100,000 inhabitante only. He wanted the law to be general, and insert Boards of Supervisors, or other governing bodies of any city and town or city and county, are hereby authorized," etc. Adopted.

The bill, with a few other verbal amendments, ordered to a third reading. Felton, by leave, introduced a bill to amend certain sections of the Political Code establishing system of county goveruments. Adjourned till 7 P. M. EVENING SESSION.

The Assembly reconvened at 7 P. On motion of May, Assembly Bill No. 229 (the Enabling Act for the State Board of Equalizetion) was taken up out of its order, on second reading. It was amended by requiring the Commiseioners to derote their entire time to the duties of the Board: reducing the salary of the Commissioners to $3000 and the Secretary to and limiting traveling expenses 10 per annum, and after a few minor amendments, the bill oniered to a third reading. Senate Bill No.

296, appropriating money for the support of orphans, balf orphans and abnndoped children, was passed to third reading. Adjourned. AMUSEMENTS. The last performance of Raymonde and the final appearance of Miss Morris take place this afternoon at the Baldwin Theater. This evening H.

C. Peakes will take a complimentary benefit at the same theater, when Flotow's Martha will be produced, with Miss Montague 08 Lady Henrietta," Lilly Post as Nancy," Charles H. Turner as Lionel," and the beneficiary as Plunkett." The three-act comedy Brother Sam and Mr. Sothern's original farce of Dundreary Married and Settled will form the bill for this afternoon and evening and to-morrow night at the Bush -street Theater, Messrs. Stack Gulliver and Nickels, late machinists of the California Theater, will receive a complimentary benefit at that place of amusement to-night.

The closing of this theater has thrown these bumble servants of AD public out of a longbeld employment, and they look to their benefit fo make up something of the lost salaries, The bill will conest of the drama Under the Gaslight and a grand olio. The Razillias, in their onginal specialty, Legmania Diabolique, make their first appearance at Wood ward's Gardens this afternoon. Miss Jaha Winired, Rose Julien, Sallie and Jeff De Angelis and T. W. Bree also take part in the pavilion entertainment.

The performance of La Grande Duchesse still draws well at the Tivoli, and the Kreling Brothers have as yet not found it necessary to arrange for its successor, The Ladies' Orchertra, under the leadership of Miss Neubert, appears every night at the Vienna, Concert Garden, to which Miss Clawsen is the latert vocal soquisition. A communication has been received at this office containing the anggestion th the different companies running to the park convey the laborers employed under the Bash fund at the park free of charge, as most of them live down town and have either to walk eight miles daily or else to spend ten cents of the dollar which they besides wearing out their boots. loss to the companies would be small in parison to the liberal donations which other business concerns have made. Ex-Barber Commissioner On Thursday evening Bruce B. Lee, one of the retiring Harbor Commierioner, visited at his residence by a delegation of harbor officials, who presented him with heavy gold stem-winding repenter, on the inside of the Presented to the Hon.

Bruce B. Lee by his friends in the employ of the Harbor Commissioners, Mrs. Lee was also the recipient of a valuable diamond ring. Pleasant specohes and social enjoyment were the order of the evening. Justice of the Peace Leman yesterday judgment for plaintiff in the case brought by the widow of Charles Risk against the Rigand Stevedores' Union Association, an action in which defendant refused to pay to the widow husband's society benefits, on the ground that the faet of his having committed suicide deprived her of all claims that might otherwise have accrued.

Patrick, A lecture on the mbject of St. Patrick: Ris Time, His Life and His Work," will be delivered by Rev. Thomas Guard at the Howand -street M. E. Church on Tuesday evening next.

As Dr. Guard leaves for the shortly this will probably be his last lecture on the Pacifie const. Vierra Golden Again, Auditor Dunn in investigating the demand of the Vierra street-guide contractors, as it is claimed that the guides have not been made to specifications, some of them being made of iron insteed of Sapanned THE STOCK BOARDS. THE EXCHANGE ENJOYS SOME THING OF SENSATION. 500 bu 250 65c AFTERNOON SRARION.

650 60 Bullion. 44 4 30 100 840 20 1 N. 10 120 Justice 10 150 150 Bo 10 Belle 250 Crown Pt 2 50 Ophir 20 100 16 60 50 50 Day. 120 Jacket. 74 80 CALIFORNIA STOCK AND ROHANGE BOARD.

MORNING SESSION. 415. 60 30 40 30 100 Argenta. 120 Julia. 20 55 8 7u Justice 10 30.......

30 10 200 8 Nev 100 Bik Hawk 10 Ophir 30 Bullion. 10 10. 20 100 100 Caledonia. 100 Senator. 120 40 20 08 20 Chollar.

20 Union. Con Va 70 200 0 100 Comstock 115 Cra P.34068 35 60 30 Exchequer ...3 05 200 100 Goodsha. 2u AFTERNOON SESSION, 100 Atlantic. a 20 Alpha, 30 Alta. 20 N.

100. Argenta. 100 50 20. Justice. 100 100 20 B.

80 350 Bode Q. 100 100 Benton 80 Ophir 6u Bulion. 4 20604 20 Overman 50 100 30 10 100 20 8 Nev. 40 100 8il 200 Curtiss 240 5 8 Bodie 40 Con 120 Union 50 Cra Wales. 06 75 80.

100 Comatock 1 300 Enterp 1401 20 Exchequer Belcher Owners Gives the Line a Gloomy Operations in Pine street yesterday were little more interesting to its-habitues than for two weeks preceding. The Belober combinetion let go their hold, causing quite a stir among brokers who were carrying its shares on a margin. Even Upsher of Nevada Block, who guides Flood out o' all perplexing tions in the financial world, inoreased his gait be carried the news of the break to the boss, who is only required to furnish coin to make schemes profitable. Upeher with his brain force, and Flood with a coin reserve, have on many other occasions made stock -dealers tremble in their boots. The collapee in Beloher has finally demonstrated what the CHRONICLE asserted from the beginning of the deal in January, that its advance was bot warranted by the prospects.

It has further proven what we bave frequently stated for two months, that its inflation without real merit would in the end be more damaging to the general Comsrocks than if it were left to enhance or decline in value as developments might dictate to outside speculators. It now seems more apparent than ever that it was part of a programme determined upon between the members of the bonanza firm, during their holiday consultation, to leet some stock with which to enthuse the market and thereby induce the prompt payment of the heavy line of assessments then pending. The old cappers and pointers were set to work, but their movements were watched with so much suspicion that none bat the most credulous were entraoped. The deal that was inaugurated, therefore, has not been particularly damaging to the public, bat the originators of the scheme bave undoubtedly come out of the tray with beavy loss, as they bad in a number of attempts to bamboozle the masses in experiments of a similar kind during the past two years. YESTERDAY'S BUSINESS.

That the effort to create reaction in Belcher on Thareday afternoon was only a temporary measure to keep short sellers at bay was shown by the engernees of inside brokers to renlize at the early session yesterday. Cross-ort ers were ascd to good effect in cresting an impression that the break was only a raid, and that the whole force of manipulators It would be used, if necessary, to squelch was plain, however, from the opening that the old policy of letting no guilty investor escape who had ventured at higher figurce, was being Of the 2050 eirres recorded perhaps half the amount was absorbed by turn dealers and outside investors. The opening sale WAS 10 shares at 89, the next was 320 shares at $8 75, and from these figures the price descended to $8 50, where a halt was ordered to prevent a panic before more stock could be disposed of. Crown Point declined to $8 in sympathy, and other Gold Hill shares were weak under large offerings and light demand. The north-end shares were shade lower, with barely sufficient transactione to give them quotations.

The outside stocks endled were not materially changed in price. On the regular call at 11 A.M. the northend stocks were fairly sustained at enrly prices, 08 also were those of the center. Belcher declined another full point, closing at $7 624. under sales of 2600 shares.

Yelsow Jacket fell off 124 cents, and other Geld ill chares wore also slightly affected. Business in other descriptions was unimportant. with prices ruling shout as the day before. AFTERNOON BOARDS. A reaction in Boloher was looked for st the 2 o'clock sossion, but none came.

The Lime hnd come, however, for manipulators to trap every buyer who ventured lot turn, and bona-fide sales carried the price to 86 75 Over 3000 mares changed hands in this Crown Point suffered most in empathy with Belcher, though the whole C'omatook line felt the effects of the break. stocks renatord firm. Alpha brought 7 95. Bel her $7 Beubtel 02. Bullion $4 Bodie 88 25, Belyidero 85, Consolidated Virginia $8 55 Imperial 50 cents, Crown Point 62 DO, Chollar 15 874.

43 85, Day 55 Gust Mount 50. Exchequer 08. Eureka 015. Holmes 75, Hale Noreros 65 25, Jupiter Justice 01 50, Julia 01 05. Kentuck Mexionn $13 874 Mount Potosi 65.

Mono 75, Overman 85 Ophir $17 Scorpion Sierra Nevada $21, Tip Top $4 40. Utah 010, Union $86 25. Ward 81 50, Yellow $7 76. At the 8 P. M.

there was a large number of transactions in the lesser- priced Boise stocks, and in Grand Prize of rom. With the exception of a fifty -cent dealine in Mount Diablo, the leading representatives of outside districts were inactive at quotations made at previous sessions. After the Board adjourned the entire list ruled at lower rates, Bescher declined to $5 75, which created a decidedly panicky sensation. CLOSING QUOTATIONS. Sales- -Benton $2, Belcher $5 75, Ballion $4 25, Best Belcher $8 75, Caledonia $1 05, Crown Point $2 80, Chollar $5 37.

Exchequer $2 80. Gould Curry $4 90, Hale Norcroes $5, Justice $1 45. Lady Washington 60 a nta, Mexican $13 50, Ophir $17 124. Potosi $3 75, Silver Hill 75 cents, Sierra Nevada $21, Union $35, Yellow Jacket 87 Bids -Alpha $7, Belvidere $3 50, Con. Virginia $8 50, Calitornia $8 30, Eureka $15.

Imperial 50 cents, Julia $1 06, Savage 85, Utah $9 75. sales In the stock Boards Yesterday SAN FRANCISCO STOCK AND EXCHANGE BOARD. MORNING SESSION. 40 40 166 10 40 200 Justice. 1 355 a 55c 10 2620 Belcher 8 400 120 375 Leviathan 540 Baltimore.

200 1. 315 24,2 10 60 150 60 175 160 05 175 600 260 10 3 55 70 Ophir 17(017 470 Crop Pt 8 30 120 15 55 110 Potosi. 10 100 35 210 105 Con Va.8 580 510 10 Seg 50 120 Scorpion 180 Exchequer 410 a 100 Flowery 5 Utah 250 90 170 680 Gold 90 Jacket 7. 30 AFTERNOON SEERION. 500 Albion 515 McClinto 200 Addenda.

155 Mamo.1 80 1 00 350 Argenta. 245 20 50 Mt 60 50 20 Bit 100 90................ 75 500 50 150 20 60 670 Belvide. 60 300 Belle 90 10.... 60 100 40 Bulwer 400 31 43 20 165 Belle Isle ......1 20 200 710 100 50 775 450 Con 50 420 standar 1 15 22u Guc 850 Dudicy.

850 Queen 2100 100 1850 100 60 Dia 1 45(4 70 20 400 Sil King. 150 Goodshaw ....40 100 Bulw 50 25c 150 21 660 Priz 1 40 150 8 530 Hill 8 Standard 40 60 140 100 750 625 Jupiter. 2 45 600 200 20 150 PACIFIC STOCK MORNING SESSION. 20 Andes. luv 2 96 10 Alpha.

100 95 40 50 50 35, 310 Justice. 1 56 500 8 90 5........ 280 Mexican 20 100 50 30 Overman o0 250 100 30 40 Chollar, 40 10 1 250 Crown (a3 20 2, 60 10 Con Va 130 Jacket. 74 500 bu Ancient Bite. At a regular meeting of Yerba Buena: Lodge of Perfection, No.

6, of the Ancient and Aecepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, the fellowing officers were installed for the ensuing Masonic year: Philip Peck, Venerablo ManR. Senior Grand Warden; Dare, Junior Grand Warden: Almoner: C. H. Silliman, Orator: John H. Titoomb, Secretary: Moses Heller, Treasurer: W.

8. Downs, Senfor Expert: H. C. Langrehr, Junior Expert: Harry Hollis, Captain of the Host: T. P.

Clark, Tyler. The exercises were of an interesting several addresses were made, and a banquet was served at the conelasion of the ceremonies. A meeting was held last evening at erm Addition Hall to organise the Twelfth Ward, Tenth Senatorial District Republican, Club, E. MoGinnis called the assembly to order, edected and with Oscar Lewis an President organization and Jacobe, Secretary, Purebaugh. Chapman, Short and Barring were appointed a committee on permanent organization; with instructions to report on Tuesday evening next.

H. C. presented resolutions denouncing the mod-le agitators, which were adopted unanimously. Deduetien Superintendent of Schools Taylor dremed a communication to principals, cially notib ing them of the amendment te the regulations relating to deductions from teachen salaries on socount of absence. livery day's absence will be deducted, the pro rats being one-thirtieth of the salary received, a reduction of ene-fifth of a day for abranco.

UNCRUSHED TRAGEDIAN. This City. The Chinese drama as represented in this city wras, not more than one year ago, extensively patronised, if the persistent endeavors of three companies at as many theatrical establishments in making every successive night hideous by their din and in sufficient proof of the fret. Chinese matters theatrical are evidently not faithfully chronfeled, or else the exact date of the departure of certain individuals, directly interested in the production of Chinese dramas, would today be known. At any rate, some time ago, Chung Yong and Man Tong, the bosses" (another name for managers), of the Quos Yet Theatrical Company on Jackson, street, seeing in the bright tuture veritable bonanza, mailed for China in search of available talent.

Arrived at the capital or the Flowery Kingdom, they soon entered into negotiations with Pong Chock and Tong Long, two of the greatest stars then with tremendous at the Thenter of Peking. The enterprising managers, after sarmounting all the objections of the two dictatorial stare, at last engaged them at the salary of 89000 to come to the land inhabited by white barbanaDA. During their absence in China, however, THE TREATRICAL FIRMAMENT In San Francisco had seen great and clear and sunny as it was when tar left, is was stormy on their return. They round that there was left but trace of Fan Francis o' former livers ity in fostering the Chinese drama. The theatrical business ha dwindl down to a were nothingness, and so poor the patronage that the three companies which previously had interpreted the beauties of Chinese dramatic literature, were consolidated into one, the Wing Tie Ping company of theatrical performers on Washingion street.

Great and renowned as were the two stars, now in a foreign land under their protecting wings, still, after considering the enormous expense attendant upon their importation, the two celestial managers began to look upon their charge a8 a veritable elephant. The Wing Tie Company was the only one that they could look to for relief. Negotiatins wore again entered into. It was an easy thing for the managers to make it very soon patent that their two stars were the best actors in the world, either for tragedy, comedy, history, pastoral, pistoral-comical, historical pastoral, tragical -historical, pastoral, scene individable or poem unlimited, and furthermore, that Seneca can. ot be too heavy" for them, nor Plautus too light." In the face of such glowing representations of the worth of the two actors, the managers of the consolidated company wilted, and though they deemed THE TERMS RATHER EXORBITANT, The obdurate muscles of their hearts relaxed, and they made the bargain.

They engaged these two wonder. ml stars, who could do everything, and agreed to accept their services lot two care at a salary of $16.000. It was specially agreed that when they made their respective debuts, and ever afterwards, the nance of the stays appear on the posters in hieroglyphics, in size no less than one foot, and on the programmes of the house in Chinese type, the face to be exactly one inch in hight. All of the engagement money had been paid, except the sum of $2625 50. In the mean time business had not been flourishing with the Wing Tie Compan3 in fact the theatrical business had degenerated so that the compuny and it has even been said for the purpose of its creditors of their just demands.

The claims of $2625 50 is yet unentistiea. The thenter ew days ago again opened its doors to welcome the amusement-recking Mongols. The grent Tong Long was billed to appear. The posters and his name in letters a foot in bight said so. Chung Yong and Man Tong were amazed.

They agreed that Tong Long would not appear ir the" could help it, or al lenst not autil their claims had been, paid. They went on Tuemlas afternoon before Judge Carey, and applying therefor, were GRANTED AN INJUNOTION Restraining the managers of the thenter on Wash stroot from allowing the gront star to participate in the entertajument to be given on that very night. The writ was forved upon the respoadente, Being enter priming managers, and pot, wishing to diap point the dens public," they disobes ed the mandate, and Tom, Lung marie glorious debut, which will be everlastingly remewbored in the annals of the Chinese drama in thin city, the thenter came very nearly being burned, conspiracy for that purpose being on tout, which plot would undoubtedly have proven if pot for the timely appearance the police. On Judge Curry ordered that a warrant Issue or the arrest or the managers of the Cheuter, that they appear in court on the following das and show cause why thes not punished for, contempt. It mid that the Grand theatrical company on Jackson an opposition, company, was instrumental in suing for the injunction, and it is urthermor asserted that they were the conspirators the sent who on wen upon the roof 0.

the rival theater Tuesday evening threw in and upor the stage and audience cans of phosphor and some horrible, smelling jars. Thuralay shortly after noon Chen Tuok Bain and his seven copartners in the firm of the ng Ti Company appeared in court, and the matter of the contempt and the injunction was ou motion continued, until yesterday afternoon, when the parties again appeared, and the case was a second time postponed until to-da It is believed that nothing will come out of the wbolo matter, as the partice intereste. are endeavoring to effect a satisfactory settlement of the dispute. RETAIL PRICE LIST. The following are the prices now ruling in the retail markets for articles of general family use: Rutter- POULTRY AND GAME.

Freeb, Broilers, 69 p(d) 75 Firkin, Du ka, 2 00 Cheene, 200 25 Geese, 7502 2 Eastern 75 Wild do, pr. 7501 00 Eggs, 25 Hare, 5000 Honey- Hens, 00 25 Turkeys, D. 2000 Strained, 17 VEGETABLES. Doves, doz. 7540.1 0.

Artichoke, Mallard, pr 7541 00 Asparague, Teal, doz. on Beets, Widgeon, pr 2040) Cabbage, it hd hd 100 FISH. Canliff're, 10 Anchovies, Celery, 8 hnch 10 20400 25 Cucumbers, AD Codfish, 1 75(01 35 Crabe, 00 Green Clams, 100. 750 Eschalota, Flounders, alb 20 25 Garlic, Mtn Trout, 250 34 Gre'n Pras, a 4, Oysters, 1 jon Lima B' ns. 4000 Lettuce, doz Perch, Prawns, 1 Nw Tomtoes, Do Rock Cod, 1540 Onions, Salmon, 1 Okra, dry, 3 40 Smoked, 1 Potatoes, Sen Bass, 30(0) Now do, 2.

5000 Smelts, Sweet, Sturgeon, 3 co Parsnips, Mos 6 10 Racistes. de Soles, 15(0 Rhubarb, D. Skates, 20 Tomcod, Squash, Turbot, 35(0) Turnips, dna Pdz.2 50 FRUIT. MEATS. Apples, BeefAlmonds, Choice, b.

25 Bananas, dos 75 Sirloin, D. 20 (0) Cal Raisins, 20 Round, 10(0124 Cranberr's, gal Bacon, 130 Figs- Crad Smyrna. Pb. 35 Hams, Cal, Dry 15 Easfern, 15a Fresh Lard, ......1240 Limes, Lamb, Lemons, doz 75 Spring or. Oranges, Puoz 00 Mutton, Pears, 800124 PorkPineapples, cal Fresh, 15 Strawbr's, box 75 ml Salted, 1200124 Waluuts.

CeD Veni, 9 An advance may be observable in several arcles, and adelitions of early vegetables Are hein. made to the list. A decided improvement in bualnees has been perceptible during the past week. The Sea- Wall. Work will be commenced next Monday section A of the -wall, which will be 625 feet long and will connect the wost end of the first section of that work with toe extensior of Powell street.

A road has been built on piles on the west side of the Kearny -street extension, over which the material will be carried to the new section. Elorses and cartwill be employed. A. Onderdonk. contractor for tue firet, second and third sections of the sca-wall.

who has been East for several months, has returned. He has taken a contract tor $9,000,000 worth of work en the Canadian Pacitio Railroad, along the Fraser River. Insolvents. H. Marks has fled his petition in insolvency.

Liabilitics $2262 79 and asects nominal. Isadore Baron and John 'Tuttle yesterday granted a decree of final discharge in insolvency by Judge lialsey. RAILROAD AND FERRY The following table gives the departure of trains from this city on the Central and Southern Pacific Railroads. All the traius and boats which are given run daily, save the 8:80 P. M.

train rom Fourth and Townsend streets, the 4 o'clock Napa Valley train, the 9:80 train to Woodland and the 4:30 train to Rocklin, which do not run on Sunday Fourth Oakland Townsend Ferry. Streets. Antioch. 3 Calistoga 10:30 A.M. 8:80 P.

Hollister 10:30 Land ex. Sun Los 9:30 Merced Monterey 10:30 Nape Niles. 8 P. Omaha. 9:30 Emigrant Oakland 10:80 A.

M. Red Blur. A. A. 4.

M. Sad San 8:30 A. Sam 8:30 10:30 8 P. P. 4:80 P.

Santa Barbara Santa 10:30 A.M. Soledad M. 4 P. Tucson. Vallejo.

Virginia City, Willows Woodland. Yuma Ferric The first host of the Oak and Francisco at 6:10 A. the next at thereafter every half hon ending with 2 Then at 8 and every half until 7, the remining bots running at 8:10, 9:20, 10:30 and Returning, trains leave Oakland, at 5:20 6:50, 7:20, 7:50, 8:25, 8:50, and then half hour thereafter, endine with 1:50, then at 2:50. and every following half hour, ending with The succeeding boats leave at 6:25, 6:50, 8 9:10 and 10:207 By the Creek route, boats for Oakland et 6240 A.M., and every hour thereafter instead of ending with Retarning, Oakland 6:30 A. 0, 7:10, every quent hour at 2:15 fasted of ending with 6:05 For Francison 7, 9, 10, 11, and 12 A.

1:80, 2, 3,4, 5, 6, 8:10, 10:30, and 11:45 P. we Alameda 5 5:40, 7. 9, 11:08 and 12 4. and 1, 3, 8:20, 4, 5, 7:20, 8:30 and 10 A.M -Boats leave 7:30 sud hour ending 6 6100 leave Berkeley 5:40, 0:80, and thereafter the hours as the city, that the last train les ver 6 HOTEL ARRIVALS RUS8 HOUSE. Thrift, Stockton Clifford, Napa Hargrave, Nape Schetten, Sonoma Epstein, Boise City CE Bray, Dougherty, Jose Bray, do Stewart, Eureka 8 Scarit, Dry Woolworth, Isleton Lachlan, Clinton, Benicia Smith, Martinez Combs, 8 Gorbam, city Driscoll, Stockton Lane, Manchester I Rayburn, 0 New York Cooper, Astoria Oregon Hollenbeck, Or 1 8 Mulhaupt, West Or Fetterolf, Mt Idaho Oregon Hambeimer, Mre E.

Holt, Oregon Mrs FC Vancouv Schesinger, Shewrod, Wash Ter Wallace, do 8 Mabry, Walls Walls Zierolp, do A Heeser, Mendocino Glick, Virginia Talk, Arcata Cole, Arizona Ter A January, San Jose Button, 2 ch. Pet January, do Hall Sacto Miller, Mrs GW Arcata Wadsworth P.P Puffy, Nevada Vanwickle, Anhurn Barnes, Nw Hamp Platt, 0 Cal Plyett, El Dorado Min Bowers, do Mrs Pivette do. Knapp, do do Belinge, Ockjand Los Angeles 9 Belinge, do Harkey, Yuba Hatch, Petaluma Mary ville Swith, Phila Mr. Drew d. Sac A Miller, city Fine, Petaluma Miss A Kenney, I McKenney, Bacto Hansen, Lewis, ship Johnston, city A Freeman, Sacto GRAND HOTEL.

Mrs Hill, Eng Mr. Wheeler, Geys Mine Wheeler, Geys Thee A Reynolds, Sac Paul Courtiand 8 Woods, do Oregon Tierney, New York Summers, city Josepb Donne, Oakland vin Brown Mare Id Taylor, Rocklin Sawyer, city THE BALDWIN. Plummer, Vallejo Mr Bateman, Vallejo Bu lough, city McHenry, Onk land MiC Park, Mire Alice Stkta Connt and Countess Tor-Miss Fannie Belden, do qu ville, Paris Hallas wik2ch, Bdie Mrs New York PALACE HOTEL. P. Chipman, Red Bluff Bernhard, Petaluma Harker, Atian Peak Mi idleton, A Com-tock, Dr Liebrich, Sac Tinckley, city A Nelson, Portland A Stokes, Thomas City Hixter, Oregon Skinner Wolfshow, do Thomas, city Fhert, do Dyer, New York JH kinger, 8 Jose Gowan, Virg Ofty Robertson, Englan Mullen, do Yeamer, Scotland Miller, Ensiman, Eureka 8 Kuhn, Vinnemucca Franklin, do BROOKLYN HOTEL.

James Kelly, Mre Dillon, Benicia Jos Oakland Kelly, Fan Jose Foulka, Jr, do Zimmerman, Petaluma John Wilson, do Stewart w. Alameda City Smith, Sacramento Cramer, Victoria Mckirath, City Newfelder, do Lawless, Idaho 1 Ho White, kmeyer, Oregon Engieeon, Foote, Bit City View Holt w. SanraAna Loucks. Menlo Park Loucks, Mayfield Edwin Browne, Chic -go Miss Firmin, New Yk Mrs Boucher, San Jose Jesse Drumhiller, do 0 Shack eford, Hollister Riddell, Guroy, Miss 8 Staitord, do Wilson, Jacinto A Donovan, Downier White, burg OUCIDENTAL HOTEL. Tryon, Sacramento city Evans, Mullen, city Portland Goodyear, Webster, Benicia A A Bills, do Earman, Crescent Cy Ellis do A A Alexander, 8n Jose Mrs A A Thomas, Santa Rosa Currier, do Bache, Benicia Mr.

Bills, do Smedberg, Alamda Hamilton Berkely Dr Smith, city Reitmayer Sonoma A McDonald, Napa Zeller Gesford, do LICK HOUSE. P. Lachlan, city Albany, 1 Alkart, city Bronson Never, do Or Salem, Or Burt sister. Jose Marmon, Oakland Watson, Napa Irwin, Rafael A Cincinnati A San Jose Tompkins. Philadel Martin, Cincinnati Coughlin, Nevada COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL.

0 11 Brown, city Derwin, Vallejo Geo Mibbins, Skid, Sorrumento Pomroy, Oakland Kewen, Portiand.Or A Byington, Santa Rosa J. Sean, do Ames, Duncan, do Creek Sinith Hitchcock a city Bodega Wal FINANCE AND COMMERCE. Naw YORR, March Ronds-Fires, 1084: Pour-and-a-halt, Pours, 1064. sterlina Exchange, long sight, 04 584. Pacifio Mail, Western Union, filet Sutro Tunnel, 84.

Idea, 914691 Wool -spriDe Chpi Mine, 88404001 Hurry, Pulled, 4005500: Fall Clip: Burry, Oil -Whale, 65050-1 Winter Bleached 01 00001 101 Winter Bleached, 81 15001 99 9 gallon. Wheat, 01 40 40 1 busbol; unsettled. LONDON, March 12. -4'onsola, 07 15-16; United states per cent Loan, 4 per sept do, 110: 4 per cent do, Bullion gone into the Bank of England on balance to-day, 4109,000. March 12.

California WheatAverage, Lue Gd( 11a; Club, 108 3d. Silver was quoted in Londen yesterday at per ounce, 925 fine: and in New York $1 gold, per ounce, 1000 ane. In the local market we quote as tollows: Legal silver par par Mexican Dollars, nominally. Quickellyer very dull: quoted at nominal. for Customa 617.843 46 Previously 191.241 27 Total since March $209,084 73 Deposita at the United States Mout yesterday as 'ollows: Ounces, Fine 4,213.04 rude 1,762.40 The only foreign clearance yesterday was the British ship Patterdale for Liverpool with 29,982 centals Wheat valued at $50.056 44.

and Merchandise to the amount of 647,489 44; total, $106,545 88. In addition to the cargo reported yesterday per schooner Good Templar for Mexican ports, there has since bren manitested at the Custom House 200 flasks Quicksilver valued at $0885; 100 cases Coal Oil valued at $150, and 17 lota Telegraph Wire valued at $101, making the total valuation of the cargo $48,151 56. Included in the cargo of the ship Patterdale were 1416 bales Orchilla, valued at $21,890 70: 174 bales of Cotton valued at $18,844 94, and 1837 sacks Oil Cake, valued at $4500. The steamer Arcaia sails to-day for Coos Bay, and the Humboldt for Eureka and Arcata. The steamer Victoria is due to-day from Namaimo and Victoria, and the City of Chester from Victoria and Puget Sound ports.

A mail for Honolulu per schooner Twilight -loses to-day at 10 A. the office of Williams, Dimond No. 202 Market street. The bark Camden will load Lumber from Puget Sound for Honolniu. There were DO Wheat charters reported yesterday, and the inquiry is so small now that none could be effected except on greatly rednced rates, the stock of Wheat having become so diminished that portable means are trebly adequate to the requirements.

Some activity was observable in the Wheat market yesterday, but it was mostly of a local nature. Advices from Liverpool were more encouraging than those of the day previons, but not of sufficient import to induce exporters to accede to the demands of holders; in fact, the market is hecoming somewhat tame. The crop of last year is nearly exhausted, and freighters and exporters are beginning to turn their attention to the one coming. Sales of San Francisco Gaslight Company's stock were elected last week to some extent at advanced rates, upon the supposition of a good investment. Heretofore their rutes of dividend on $10,000,000 have been A cent, but at the last meeting of the Trustres it was reduced to 7 8 cent.

This may have been a necessity, but appoarances indicate otherwise, London Markets. (Spectal Dispatch to the CHRONICLE. 1 LONDON, March -This evening 7100 bales of Wool were sold, chiefly Port Phillip and Adethe demand continuing brisk to the last lot. This series of sales is now closed. The prices finished at the highest point, except for snowwhite Capos, which sold slightly under the highest figures.

The advance on the series sale is, for Australian and in some cases for Cape In all 185,700 bales have been sold, 105,000 bales for export and 83,700 for the home trade. The feeling of confidence in the Sugar market has further increased. Refiners are buying West Indies at fully 6d 7 cwt above last week's quotatione. Purchase of Bonds. Dispatch to the CHRONICLE.

1 WASHINGTON, March Secretary of the Treasury suys he intends every week to invest all revenues, less actual expenditures and a proportionate share of accruine interest of the public debt, in the purchase of five and six per cont Bonds on public offers in New York. New York Markets. Special Dispatch to the CHRONICLE. I NEW YORK, March quiet and firm. Stocks strong in early dealings and prices advanced 24 9 cent.

The strength of the market at the close was due to the advices from Washington that the Secretary of the Treatury would increase his Bond purchases. Produce Market, The quotations or Pious and Grain are un-lerstood to be gold unless otherwise specified. I FLOUR- -The market continues steady. The following are johhing races: Best City Extra. 84 540: Supertine, $4 45: Bakers' Extra, 45 Interior Extra, 50(45 874: Oregon Extra, Walls Walls Extra, 50 25 874 A chl.

-No, 1, 61 92401 97: No. 2, $1 97 eti. Sales 4000 ctis choice Milling at 81 96: 4500 ctla good Shipping at $1 90; ctis poor at $1 80 1 etl. BARLEY -Coast Feed. Bay, 80cla Brewing, Coast Chevalier, $10 25; Bay do, nominally, $1 70 etl.

ale of 3000 Coast Feed at 82 800 ctis at 95c ctl. kibds OATS- of Feed: Quotable Humboldt, $1 for all ingten Territory, $1 35; Oregon, $1 1 85: Sarprise, 01 CORN -Quotable 10 for Yellow: Small do. $1 124 001 Large 010201 07: Small do, $110 A Mar Sales of 250 aka Small Fellow at 61 RYE -Quotable as $1 1501 20 7 ctl for Stock. ton. 1 ton.

BRAN -The price from the mills is now $12 50 a ton. BUCK -Quoted at 81 96. 8 etl for choice. OILCAKE at $34 9 ton. less anal discount to the trade.

MIDDLINGS- Quoted at 818 a ton. HAY- Quotable al $70012 50 1 ton. STRAW -Quotable al a baie for good. POTATOES The receipts are large and of fair ouality. as foliows: Early Rose, 40e off: Petalumas, Peachhlows, Humbolds Peachblows, extra choice Humboldt Cuffer Cove, River Rede, 300-35g: 76 ctl.

UNIONS -Quotable at 374 8 etl for common: Union City. $1 874. 06: mall White, 1 4001 50; Tea, 1 00: Bayo, 81 25; Butter, $1 40 1 00. as to quality: Castor, 3 50: Mustard, white, 3e Canary, Timothy, roe al 80 100 rasps, Carrots, 850: Beetn, 10c Cabbage, Okra, 100 Marrowfat 0100.60 New 14c0 15c Green Pear, tatoes, 50 9 7 FRUIT- We quote: 626 set 2 50 crater Lemons, 810 1 box: 15 3 Mexican California, 82 Bauanas, 02 100; Apples. 1 50 bax for choice, 50c for common box: $1 50 neapples.

1 DRIED FRUIT for for for accordingto else of and 25650cadditional for and quarter: Black Arabian Dates, upward tendency. Comb, Strained, quote: California Almonds, for sort shell, and shell: crop, 06 100; Walnuts, choice, Chile, Pecan, Filberts, 17 Brasil Nuts, These quotations refer wholesale dealing. PROVISIONS Jobbing alifornia de, California Bacon, medium, Bacon. 100104 Eastern Lard in cases, 10-5 121 Pressed Chicago Refinery Company pails, 5-D do, 11e: 3 do, 11 her California do in tierces, cans, Premed Banner Lard, do, Extra Clear Pork, 518418 50 de, hf-bhis, 50: Family Beef. bbl: Smoked Beef, AND CHEESE- We quote tollower extra fancy Butter, Roll, fair to good, common do, Firkin, ct Fastern do.

14 190 nominal. Cheese- California, 150 the latter for extra choice: Eastern. Prices very firm. EGGS- as dozen for good to choice Oregon. POULTRY- are quotations! 1244 8 pair: Ducks, dozens Hens, dozen: Roosters, young $8 7 50 dozen: do, old, 5 Broilers.

85 50486 50 dozen. GAME at dozen: Hare, $1 5001 75 doz; Quail. dos: Trucks- Widgeon, don-n: Teal, dozen: Sprigs, 1 25; Mallards, $2 dos: Geese -White, Gray do, 81 2541 75: Snipe, 500 750 dozen for common and $1 7542 for English. HIDES AND Hides have declinen in the New York market, and we DOW quote as follows in this market: Dry Flint Hides, nonal selections, 171c Mexican do, Dry Kip, Calf, Salted, hravy steers, over 56 10c: me-linm salted Hides, the light salter! do, 9c Kips. to weight; Dairy Calf, 70c each: Goat SkinsHair Goat, in good demand at poor do, Tic; beet Deer Akins, medium do, poor do, 25c; Sheep Skins meet with quick sales: Shearlings are quoted at 25c; Short Wool, Medium Wool, Lone Wool, 90c(881 25: Sole Leather, fair and ordinary, 5e; rough do, 25c: extra heavy do, 29c.

Cash quotations. TALLOW- -Fair quality. 51c; Refined, 74e 9 b. HOPS -Stock in market very small. New Caliraia, A Market quiet.

a Territory, interior lots at General Merchandise. BRICKS -Soft, $750 Red, 09; Hard 611; Pressed. $80. 01LS-Onlifornia Castor, No. 1, 61 20; No.

2. $1 25, both in cases; China Nut, 76c; Cocoanat, 456c; Linseed, boiled, in harrels or cases, 06c raw, 95c0 Neatsfoot, 9000 $1 gallon. Coal Oils- Prize Medal, patent cans, Downer's Kerosene, Continental, 150 test, fancet cans, water white, 30c, in barrels 27c: Standard, 110 tost, faucet cane, 18c; Elaine, 35c; California Luster, in harrele 1Ce: do, 150 da deg. test, Camornta Star, fo harrele 184 324c A gallon. Pure Winter strained Lard, in harris, 75 do, tins, A gallon.

Whale -California, Polar, Sperm, $140 do 50: Olive- Duret, 67 2508 8 25; calion. Plagniol, PAPER -California Straw Wrapping, ordinary, do, extra heavy, $1 1041 25: News, Manila, common Wrapping. Hardware, 84 291c 9 b. PAINTS--Yellow Ochre, dry and pulverized, 3c: Chalk, 2e; Vermilion, 75c; Whiting, Venetian Red, do, off, Atlantic White cad, Nevada do, Western do, Pioneer, Red Load, de; Turpentine, 56 gallon: 1 Zine, Red 111c: Green Seal, 124: do in co in nil, Valentine's 50. Eastern 150 to 924c: 1XL, 130 test, 29c: Silver Light, 110 tent, 26c gallon; American Sei Red Cree, 180 test.

STARCH-Kingford'e, Sc: Duryen's Satin Gloss, 10ct, other gunlitien, 10c; Corn, 9019c Cutsinger 00 10c. QUICKSILVER-Dull and nominal, 404841e WOOLEN to the price list lately adopted by the Pioneer Woolen Factory the lending descriptione produced are now quoted as follows: 9-4 Excelsior in Tote of 90 pairs, 70: 10-4 14 60. do. 1 19-4 and Sue advance for staller lots, Colored Blankets range from 95 to 815 9 pair, in lots of 95 pairs, with corresponding advance tor email quautitice: Overshirta from 014.60 to 849 doz, in lote of 10 dos and wear, 018 A dos, to style and quAlity Planket 0101 Ulster Aquore Lone 501 Jong for lots of 10 dos: Colored Flannels, Bot White Pulled, 1: White comb de, Scarlet and' Bine de, 09. 961 same, 90 Cash.

meres, 01.001 761 weeds, 1 95: Blanket. 01 501 Waterproof Clotb, 0101 90 yard. Receipts Produce. FRIDAY, March aka, A CO: wu do, Pierce: 1118 Aegenhein A Cot 1830 Ellis Non: 400 du, Starr Co: 200 de, Cinff Dewitt- Total, 47 59. WHEAT-8047 Waterman Co; 58 do, Miller Co: 651 do, Richardson Field: 410 do, National BARLEY-1446 eta.

87 Ellerhorst; 581 do, Miller -Total 1177. ska, Sperry Co; 9720 do, Starr 8040. MIDDLINGS 250 ska, Sperry Co; 800 do, Starr Total, 580. HAY-22 tons, McKenna Greany: 83 do, Chase Co: 11 do, at Co: 22 do, Scuff McCord: 46 do, Waterman Co: Rider, Somers Co: 38 do, Order-Total, 182. aks, Various.

Various. BEANS -360 sks, Various, 0 galls, Various. BRANDY-450 Various. HIDES Varlous. QUICKSILVER- flasks, Langley.

BUTTER-277 etis, Various. -35 ctls, Various. doz Various. RAISINS -66 bxs. Various.

SUN AND TID6 TABLE (Computed by Thos. Tennent, Chronometer and Instrument Maker, No. 18 Market street.) HIGH WATER. LOW WATER. (Targe) (Amail) (Large) (small) 18..

1:04 A 1:46 PM 5:16 AM 6:32 San Sun MARINE INTELLIGENCE. Late Shipping News on Third Page. Arrived-FRIDAY. March 12. Stmr Oregon, Connor, 42 hours from Astoria, 39 hours from bar to bar: pass and mose to 0 8 Co.

Stmr Arcata, Holt, 41 hours from Coos Bay: 340 tons coal to Barnard Co. Stmr Monterey, Von Helms, 12 hoars from Mendocino, etc: pass and mdso to Goodall. Perkins Co. Stinr Salinas, Robbins, 12 hours from Moas Landing: produce to Goodall, Perkins Co. Bktn Webfoot, Lewis, days from Columbia River; lumber to Simpson Eros Co.

Achr Aurora, Birkholm, 2 days from Coos Bay: 297 tons coal, 67 ft lumber to Chandler. Schr Heywood, it lumber Lorenz, 48 hours from Creecent City: 170 to Simpson Bros Co. Schr Merchant, Lawrence, 46 hours from Coos Bay; 360 At lumber to Dean Co. Schr Hi Tiernan, Mitchell, 4 days trom Shoalwater Buy; lumber to Simpson Bros Co. Schr Humholdt, Thoroe, 15 hours from Cuffey's Cove: lumber, 100 shingles to A Moore, Stockton.

Achr Ocran Spray, Sprague, 10 hours from Point Arena: 10,200 posts Engene de Sabla. Schr La Gironde, Moore, 46 frm Coos Bay: 270 tons ft lumber to Chandler. Cleared-FRIDAY, March 12. Br ship Patterdale, Gunson, Liverpool; Parrott Co. Salled-FRIDAY, March 12.

Stmr Geo Elier, Bolls, Astoria. Stmr Salinas. Rot bins, Santa Cruz, etc. Stmr Newport, Plammer, Novarro River. Ship Ericsson, Plummer, Nanaimo.

Importations. PORTLAND, ETC- Per Oregon -671 nice. 16 kgs 300 txs dried apples, 2808 oks flour 33 bills 86 pkes 455 bides, 13 hd's 15 coltskins, 122 dis skins, 12 bills deerskins. 1 bl buckskius, 4 ca dry 1 ca books, 10 rolls leather, $2 has dried fruit, 70 ska oysters, 115 bills hoops, 1729 sks wheat, 146 has dried pluma, 3 cs tobacco, 2 pkgs copper pipe, 26 pkg butter, 8 haking powder, 1 cs castings, 4 pkg 1 ca household gonds, 50 bdis horse collars, 6 bds saddle trece, 1 bnggy, 1 crt wheels, 1 bbl grease, ca boots and shore. 34 ska clams and oysters, 275 tons old rails, 1 bx type, 100 ska oats.

2 bxs machinery, 1 cs bats, 38 ska tallow, potatoes, 16 bla 611 junk, pkgs 4 barrel stnck, 54 cans metal, 4 ca mise. MENDO INO, ETO-Per Montercy-64 ska potatore, 2240 posts, 26 sks shells, 6 has eggs, 1 bbl pork. 2 or hooks, 17 bxs butter, 4 bae fish, cp fowls, 1 hide, 1 anvil, 10 pkgs mdae. MUSS LANDING -Per Saliuas-500 ska barley, 24 aka wheat, 1 bi butter, 5 bas eggs, 1 cp poultry. Wats ville-120 sks beans, 52 sks potatoes.

Santa Cruz-240 bbis lime, 15 pkgs leather. 75 has apples, 22 bEs eggs, 81 pkgs butter, 10 aks cheese, 5 cps poultry, I lot of junk. Consignees. Per Oregon -Allen Lewis; A Herman; Lonis Slos Co: Mills Brown Bros Co; 0 Co: Breeze Loughran: Christy Wise: Pecheimer: Brown: Everding Co: Sherwood; Freeland Bros; Hatch Barclay; Corbitt Macleny; Hixson, Justi Co; JC Peters: Du Rots King: Koshland Bros; lor Co: Allison Co: Howe Hah Martin, Feusier Snafford: A Manning; A Nichols Co: Page, Moore Co; Moorehend; Porter, Oppenbeliner Co; A Packsber Puget Sound Oyster Co; Pacific Rolling Mills Painter Co: Gro Morrow: Koshland Co: Spear, Meade IN Co: Holt: Schwabacher Bros; Howe Machine Co: Simon, Sons White Price: Waterman Co: Somen Co: Wadhams Elliott: Chas Clayton: Chas Co; Scotchler Gibbs; Geo Hume; Order. Per Presto Co: Basett Co: 8 Moniton; Rouse Laws; Larzelere Witham: Hoimes: Fancke Co; Jus Murr: dale Co: Hatch Barclay Terwilliger Co; Wheaton Lukrs; White Pries: Bicele Ellet Co: Forsalth Dodge; Br sham Whitney Co.

Per Monterey- Brown; 0 Decher: Peters Bros: Cutter Co: 8 Foster Co; Handy Co: Knapp: L. Ni Co; 8 Scoby: Hecht Bros Co; 90D: A Bancroft 4 Co; Price: Carolan, Corr Co: O'Brien: Peter Lane: Rouse Laws: Athrarn Co: Gets Levin Co; Hubbell Co: Dodge Swreny Co: Brigham Whitney Co: White Price: Maggio; Christy Wise; Order. Memoran Per Areata-Taft in port, ready for schir Merchant: loading, schr Clara Light: Mar 10. schr At Umpqna, Mar 10, ready for Mary ayes and Bobolink: schr Per at Cove, Coombs; at Point Arena, sche Golden 1 By POINT Losos, March 10 Mg Weather, clear; wind, fresh N. Domestle SAN Mar 12- Stmr Orizabe, for Johnson, hence Mar 0, and sailed mine dev San Francisco.

Mar 11-Schr Truckee, San Francisco, CASPAR -Sailed, Mar 12-Schr Maxim, San EUREKA Mar -Schrs Ran Abbie. Orion, Jennie Vents and ASTORIA-Arrived. Mar 12-Br bark Ladstock, Williams, Sailed, Mar Hall, Kirk bride: ship Eliza MeNeil, 1 NEW Mar 12-Ship Valiant, Daly, Portland. Or. Bailed, Mar Acapulco, Aspin wall.

Foreign orta. VICTORIA- Mar 12-Stmr Victoria, Hayward, Pan Francisco, MA- Sailed, Mar 10-Br star Belgic. Meyer, Can Francisco. PUNTA ARENAS- Sailed, Mar 8-Stmr City of Panama, Connolly, San Oct 10 Be Newman Hall, Sinter, hence Lacie, Rivers, BIRTHS. DUNCAN-Ia this March 12, the wife 9 Andrew Duncan, of this a the wife of D.

Sternberg. of a daughter. BACON -In this city, 12, the wife of Jacob Bacon, of a son. this eity, March 9, the wife of L. Terkelson, of a son.

ULLNER-In this March 21, the wife of W. Vilner, of a son. MARRIAGE. -In this oily, March 11, Jens P. Hansen to Grete Thomson.

DEATH this city, March 11, Mary beloved dunghter of and Nellie Richarda of San 16 years, 11 months and 24 days. ally Invited to funeral 1 de My residence, No. 2001 Eddy street, thence a John the Baptist Church, solemn high mans will her BRENNAN-In this elty, March 11, Brennan, a native of the Parish of 00 ran, County Carlow, Ireland, aged months and 15 days. Commercia and Jacksonville (Or.) papers please Friends and and are respectfully invited to attend the funeral this day (Saturday) at from the residence of his nephew, to. Michael St.

Costello, No. 280 Minna street, Patrick's Church, where a solemn requiem will be celebrated for the repose of commencing at 9 o' clock. Interment, Mount Calvary Cemetery, McG EOGHEGAN-In this city, pard infant son of John and aged 1 month and 22 days. The funeral will take place (Saturday) at 9 o'clock A. from the near residence of the parents, Seventeenth street, Guerzero.

a native of the this city, Parish of Cappamore, County TREACY-In 12, Treacy, Limerick, Ireland. McKAY-In this city, March 19, Filmer Edward, youngest son of George and C. M. McKay. 1 year, 7 months and 23 days.

BENTOR-In this city, March 10. Newton, son of B. F. and Mary A. Bestor, aged months.

HARTY -In this city, reb 11, Katie, daughter months of Michael AD- aged 4 and 18 days. HICKSTEDT-In this city. Hannah March Hickstedt, son of Herman and 1 year and 10 months. LEACH -In thus city, March aged 10, 85 years. Margaret Leach, a native of New York, -In this city, March 10.

Catherine, danghter of Michael and Elizabeth Mulligan, aged 7 months, NELSON-In this city, March 12, Herman Nelson, a native of Bath, aged years, mouths and 11 days. MOREY- Oakland, March 9, Mabel dan ter of Roswell and Margaret E. Morey, aged 11 months and 14 dnys. MAS8OLETTI-At Tombetone, Arizona, March 8, 1890, Frank P. Massoletti, aged 27 4 months and 97 days.

(Boston papers please copy.J NIXON. DEALERS IN MINES AND of N. Y. Mining Stock Machange, No, 01 Broadway, New York. References: Pheuix Nat.

Bank; Gilman, Son Bankers. John M. Nixon, C. D. Haines, W.

M. Tileston, THE BALDWIN THEATER. THOMAS ROBERT M. Manager POSITIVELY LAST APPEARANCE OF CLARA This (Saturday) March 18th At 2 o'clock, Evening. March Complimentary Benefit of R.

HARRY The Charming Knelish Opera, With a Most Power al Cut and Full Operatic Chorus and Orchestra. 14th Grand Revival of THE TWO ORPHANS. preparation THE TWO ROSES and FRENCH FLATS. BUSH STREET THEATER. CHARLES E.

LAST THREE PERFORMANCES BY SOTHERN AND 111S COMPANY OF COMEDIANS In the Great Double Bill, DUNDEEARY'S BROTHER Dundreary Married and Settled. MR. BOTHERN IN MOTH PIECES, This (Naturday) Matinee, and To-Morrow Night. Monday 16th MB. SOTH DAVID GARRICK.

Friday March 106h As COla. JOHN WITITE HOME." to Rehearsal--THE BURNETS NEST. Mats a cured one week in advance. CALIFORNIA THEATER. Saturday March 18th, GRAND COMPLIMENTARY BENEFIT Tendered by a host of their prufessional friends to STACKHOUSE.

GULLIVER AND NICHOLA. Machinists of the Theater, When will be produced Daly's Great Sensational Drama, UNDER THE GASLIGHT! AND A GRAND OLIO. For Cast of Characters, see bills. Box Olice open Friday, March 19th. No extra charge for Reserved Seats, DASHAWAY HALL.

Wednesday. March 17, 1880 TWO HOURS IN ERIN: A New and Magnificent Panorama. Illustrative of all that is picturesque and historical in the Green Isle. One faithtal pictures of the scenery of Ireland, in all its marvelons phasea mou stain and vale, glen and crag. The attractons will he enhance by the efforts of a strong company of artists, including Miss Lillian Andrew, The celebrated Australian actress, who will sing fumons Songs and recite the GREAT STORY OF '98.

Mr. J. C. Roach, The popular luish com dian, in his sketch of the Peasant and Gauger, and Songs and Recitations. Mr.

Frank Doud, The famous Tenor, will sing some of the Songs of Ireland. Admission, 50 cents. TIVOLI GARDEN. Eddy street. between Market and Mason.

KEELING AL. Manager This Evening And every evening until further notice, Offenbach's most popular Comic Opera, in four acts, THE GRAND DUCHESS. THE GRAND DUCHESS. THE GRAND DUCHESS. MISS HATTIE MOORE The Ducher.

VR. HARRY GATES FRED. BORNEMANN as. Boum (horns and Grand Tivoll Orehestra, Under the direction of J. M.


Pertormance of the Vocal Artist, MISS CLAWSEN. Every Sunday Af ernoom, o'Clock. CHAS. RIECK Propr's. WOODWARD'S GARDENS.

SATURDAY FUNDAY, MARCH 18TH AND More New Stare! More New Pint appearance of the 1 I In their orizinal specialty, Legmania Disholique. Continued Succesa of MISS JULIA WIN. FRET. ROSE JULIEN, Female Coutortionist. SAL.LIE AND JEFE DEANGELIS in their Teutonic a etch, De nther Couple." T.

W. BREE. silver-toned Tenor and Banjoist. Our Troupe of ATHLETIC MARVELS in their Great Act, "Feats of the To Conclude with the Comic Pantomime: THE DANCING SCOTCHMAN! St. Patrick's Day at Woo for the Relief of the Sufferers Ireland.

m12-504p H. M. BOSWORTH, (Organist of Calvary Chureh,) TEACHSTON OF PIANO, ORGAN AND 189 Kearny Street. Vocal classes in parlors of Calvary Church. fez2-4peo-lim MADAME JULIA 613 MASON between Bush and Sutter.

Vocal Mule for Opera, Concert reduction to teachers. 4136-801 MRS. ADA CLARK'S DANCING CADEN 211 Sutter Street, above Kearny. Hall to let for Bulls, Clube, Etc. PIANO AND ELOCUTION.

Dramatie Elocation and Caltaro Specialties. Special attention and MEDICAL. TO THE Dr. Gibbon's Dispensary, STREET. COR.

623 San Franentrance on Commercial street, Established in 1854 for the treatment and cure of all diseuses of the urinary and generative organs, and all of consequent errors of Ignorance of the saxes. and rheumatism and Doctor afflicted has thoroughly should traveled not fail extenstrely to various call in apon hospitals Europe him. the there, obtaining of valuable nation, which to to those need of his DE. GIBBON will make no charge he a cure, at distance may be AT HOME All municationa strictly Cull or write Address DR. GIB SON, Bor San DR.

SPINNEY co, No. 11 Kearny Street, diseases. ALL CHRONIO AND SPECIAL YOUNG Who may be suffering from of fal follies or indiscretions will de well to avail of this, the boon laid the feet of humanity. DIE. will to forfeit five hundred dollars for case of 1 private of kind or character which ARE to cure.

MIDDLE MEN. There are many age of thirty to are troubled with too frequent the bladder, often accompanied by a smarting or burning sensation and a of the system in a manner the for. On examining the urinary a ropy sediment will otten be found, and particles of albumen will appear, or the color be a thin, milkish changing to a dark to the second stage will guaratee a perfect a healthy restoration orga DE. Office Hours-10 to 41 and 6 to 8. Sundays from 10 to 11 A.

M. Thorough exand advice, or No. SPINNEY 00. 12 Kearny street, San Francisco. PRESCRIPTION FREE lost -FOR manhood THE and SPE all orders brought the on by ingredients, indiscretion DR or JAQUES OR Cincinnati, Ohio.

BEST TRUSSES AND SHOULDER BRACED AT FOLEKES DEN. SAL INSTRUMENT DEPOT, AUCTION SALES AUCTIONEER WILLIAM. BUTTERFIELD, AND BROKER THIS DAY. MARCH 13, 1800 At o'clock 4, 1., on the 45 CALIFORNIA STASES WILL THE FIXTURES Manufactured in the for and Banking seed on the above Businent, One Very Elegant Corner the and oner, with Drawers and 750; Costly Tellers Desks, with Cola Rides and Back Standing Deska; stationary and Movable Glass BUTTERFIELD, Auctioneer. AUCTION AT WEST OAK LAND.

THIS DAY. MARCH 18, 1880 At 1 o'elock it, W. E. BARNARD Anetioneers 1815 Broadway, Oakland, Will sell at publie auction the SALOON West corner of Pine and Seventh streets, Oakland, of an above, consisting of large sortment Liquers, Fine Glasses, Plate Mirror, a Billiard Table (Pirahle Co, makers). safe, a lot of Arm First Tables, and all Saloon.

the The Game can carrying at W. E. private sale BARNARD be ore the apply Broadway, Oakland. STEAMER TRAVEL. INMAN LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS For Queenslown and Liverpool, PROM PIER 37, NORTH RIVER, FOOT OF Chariton street, favorable Carin, terms.

$100 gold. Return tickets on and currency. issued at lowest Saloons, stateroom smoking and bath-roome These steamers JOHN not C. cattle, 31 and 88 Broadway, N. UNITED STATES BRAZIL MAIL LINE For St.

Thomas, Para, Bahia and Rio de Janeiro, CONNECTING PORTO AT ST. RICO, PLOMAS JAMAICA WITH SPANISH MAIN, Freight received at on all times permit at from Roberta Brooklyn, but only York office. Shippers desiring insurance can effect under our open policy at lowest rates. Through tickets laqued to all points reached by the Royal Steam Packet Steamers, and to Montevideo and Buenos Ayres. Freight must be paid in mi vance.

For freight engagements or baving elegant accom modations, apply to C. H. MALLORY Agenta. Office, Pier 20, East River, near Fulton m5-tt ONLY DIRECT LINE TO PRANCE. GENERAL TRANSATLANTIO THE MAIL STEAMERS NEW OF YORK THIS 001.

AND HAVRE, will a from Pier No. 42, N. or Morton EVERY Travelete by this Mne both transit be English and. the discomforts of the Channel in a beat. PRICE OF nding Wine PASSAGE OR TO $100 and 8801 end cable, Strenge, including wine, bedding and For pamage OUR OF RADIAN, mi-4t 55 SPECIAL NOTICE.

PACIFIO MATS. THE OF SYDNEY WILL BAIL ON TUINDAY, mails, P.M.. of Lading will be signed mibit dieneral DIMOND HUMBOLDT BAY. For Eureka, Areala and Hookien. 'THE STEAMER BOLDT, GEORGE Will sail from Jackson the the above ports NATURDAY.

at and every Saturday further notice. ex to ty Suth. Freight received Thursdays, For freight or passage apply to SCARLE4 STONE, 42 California areet, 5, PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSH'P COMPANY. The Company's Steamers will sail an follows, M. CITY 8F TOKIO.

MARCH 1 GRANADA. YOKOHAMA ADd HONGKONG 1 For PANAMA -ad NEW YORK, calling at PULCO, RAN JOSE DE LIBERTAD and PUNTA ARENAS. Pare New York, $139. Tickets to and from by any line for sale as the lowest rates. Also, Havana end ail West India ports.

CITY OF SYDNEY. 16 At 12 o'clock or on of the English Mails for HONOLULU, AUCK LAND and NEY, to be followed by stramahip siting poettively on Saturday, Anril 10th, noon, or apon recript of $10 additional is charged for Upper Cabin Zealand Round the World trip ti keta via and Anstralia, Tickets also from San Francisco to New York via New Ze and Anstralia. CITY OF For VICTORIA, PORT TOWNSEND, SEAT TLE and TACOMA, connecting at Tacoma Northern Pacific Railroad for PORTLAND, gon, and at Seattle with local Steamers for River and Mines. Tieketa must be fore 11 A. M.

on day of miling. For passage apply at the office, cornet Brannan streets. ml WILLIANS, DIMOND Gea'1 Ag STATE LINE. DASSENGER STEAMSHIPS SAIL EVERY THURSDAY ront New York. REDUCED RATES Of cabin or stegrage from Glasgow, Live pool, Queenslown, B-ifart, or Bristol: First Cabin Saloon te $75, currency, cording tickets, to $110 state-roots accommodations.

to $130, currency, good for months. Second Cabin- 640, currency; return, $75. Steerage 820. AUSTIN BALDWIN 00., Gen. Agents, 160 Ran Chicago, IlL.

.72 Broadway, York. GEO. BUTLER, Agent, Foot of Market street. fe22-4ptt A. MALPAS, Agent.

CUNARD LINE. -WITH THE VIEW OF DIMIM of line the take chances specified of collision, the steamers this a course for all of the year. New the York outward Boston, parange from Queenetown 43 latitude, or or nothing crusing north inerilian of 43. at 50, of On 50 the bomeward paanage crowing the meridian at 42 latitude, or nothing to the north 42. THE CUNARD STEAMSHIP COMPANY (Limited), BETWEEN NEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL, CALLING AT CORK HARBOR, Prom Pier No.

40, N. New Wednesday, March Wednesday, March March 81r SCYTHIA. April PART Ape it 140 GALLIA. April 21 And every following from New York. RATES OF PASSAGE: $60, 980 and 100 to Tickets to Parts $15, gold, additional.

Return tickets on in vorable terms. Storage at very low mire Steerage tickets from Liverpool and and all parts of Eurone, at lewest rates. Through Havre, bills la given for Belfast, gow. Antwerp and other porta on the tanent, and for Mediterranean ports. For freight or at the New Yorks Company's office, Green.

CHARLES G. FRANCKLYN, Notice to passengers from Australia, New land, China and Cunard line more than usnal facilities through from trans- ports, the frequenry of ine preciuding all possibility of York. Good sedations ean be secured on to California street. Agents, SAUCELITO WINTER ARRANGE. and after Monday, November the steamer will as follows: Francisco (foot of Market street) 8:45, 10:30 P.M.

B. 12:30, 4:15 P. M. TIME -Na 10:30 A. 4:80 P.M.

9:20, 11:30 A. 8:30, 6:30 R.R. Mon lay an extra trip from San at 7:00 and on Saturday troin at 6:00 trip at 2 P. M. 6u Saturday.

Commutatio 63 per mouth. FRANCIS AVERY, Secretary, RAILROAD TRAVEL SONOMA VALLEY R. R. "SONOMA" LEAVES ton-street Wharf dully Cinnave and excepted) at 2 fur Norfulk, connecting cars for the town of Sonoma and way stations, riving at 6 2. turning, Bosoms San and Sun lays at 7 arriving at Francisco at 11 A.

For further re at General 126 Montgomery at or at mi-4? G. J. P. T. LYNN.

SOUTH PACIFIC COAST R. 1 CABBOW GAUGES COMMENCING MONDAY, DECEMBER Bosta and Trains will leave San cisco daily from ferry foot of at 5:30, 9 and and all way stations, SAN JOSE, LOS GA TOS, WEIGH connect with for Hotel de Bed woods, Soquel and Santa Ferries I Trains, 10:80, A. 19:00 1:30, 6:80, 8:30 P. FROM HIGH 50, 1., 12:05, 6:85, Daily, 81, on train Francisco at 5:30 A. Fare to San daily (except A TRAIN A.

San Francisco the 7:46 Sunday train having THOS. CARTER, Superinten Gca'1 Pat NORTH PACIFIC COAST R. ARRANGEMENT. AFTER will be MONDAY. run follow From SAN QUENTIN foot of Market A.

My 1:10, 4:50 (Trains Sin via 10:00 Ferry for San -WEEK a. 3:25 SUNDA 8:50, SAUCELITO DAYS P. foot Market Sancelito and San M. for all petals het Sunday see (Trains SUNDAYS, dan this for Duncan Mills and Way daily. except 11.40 VIS SAN QUENTIN Duncan Mill morning, Mendocino Train from Duncan Mille arrives in co 1:50 M.

SUNDAY 8.20 UCETITO Olema 11 :00 a. TRIP- Fairfax, Houses.

San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California (2024)
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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Author information

Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.